Lets talk tiny houses, tumbleweeds etc on wheels


Postby Woodbutcher » Thu Apr 03, 2014 8:20 am

Are you sure you want to "poke the Bear" Bob. You might do better reminding them that you don't have much money and no real place to live. So if they want to pursue you they will spend lots of their money to get nothing. You have certainly tried hard to work with them, and maybe a clean start with a bankruptcy is not a bad idea.
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Postby AceMan » Thu Apr 03, 2014 2:15 pm

Everyone knows banks never have enough money. I too have seen quite a bit of how banks treat their customers that are in the midst of this horrible recession. I was told a story of a person dropping off a mtg. payment at the office, where the payment goes, 5 days early and still receiving a late fee notice. They are noted for not returning calls and being super slow concerning getting documents requested from home owners. Some will say I am painting the mtg. industry with a too wide of a brush but I think not.

I wish you the best Bob
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Postby S. Heisley » Thu Apr 03, 2014 6:31 pm

I had a friend that something similar happened to, a few years back. She wrote the company and told them that she could only afford to pay them 30 dollars a month. They wrote back and told her to forget it and they wrote the debt off.
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Postby bobhenry » Fri Apr 11, 2014 8:00 am

Well tonight is the last night I will sleep in the house of 24 years. A lot of memories and a lot of love went into the house and went on in the home. It's with a tear filled eye I walk away from a good old house however, I am so looking forward to the new adventures ahead . :thumbsup:
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Postby Verna » Fri Apr 11, 2014 8:25 am

Good luck on your new adventures, Bob
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Postby Nansplace » Fri Apr 11, 2014 2:41 pm

It is a very sad time for you indeed and I know it won't be easy for you to walk away from, but you've been planning for this day for over 2 years now, so it's time to let go and move on. Never forget the memories of the home but set about making new memories in your new life. :wine: here's to you babe!
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Postby S. Heisley » Sat Apr 12, 2014 1:35 am

Spring is a new beginning.
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Postby bobhenry » Mon Apr 14, 2014 7:01 am

godskid wrote:
That dresser and TV look very ... um .... unique, right next to a radial saw! But your furniture all looks great in there. :)

The power miter saw was removed Saturday morning and replaced with my bed from the house.

Had 3 good friends help me get the last of the big pieces over to the house in a house. A very full trailer and a truck load. Later on Sunday I hauled 2 more 5x10 trailer loads over by myself. My neighbors all decended on me and said their sad goodbyes. Got a big hug from my Harley gal next door. Tommy and his whole family ( on the other side)came over special to wish me a goodbye. Kinda make me sad to leave great people like this behind. The pups and I slept at the House in a house for the first time Saturday night. Little cold a little disorganized but with some furniture rearranging all fits well and looks good. Gotta get the propane heater going today they are talking about 25 degrees and spitting snow late today and Tuesday :x

I have one tiny wrinkle Thor My male West Highland Terrier thinks each and every tire needs watering, (even if they are IN the building) ! :)
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Postby S. Heisley » Tue Apr 15, 2014 12:00 am

I have one tiny wrinkle Thor My male West Highland Terrier thinks each and every tire needs watering, (even if they are IN the building) ! :)

There is probably already pee on the tires. Try washing down the tires with a mixture of vinegar and water, to take away and mask some of that smell. Also, he may be marking things because it is his new home and this behavior may lessen with time. It's probably a bit traumatic for them.

By the way, dogs need at least 20 minutes of sun a day, if at all possible, because their bodies make their vitamin D and C from the sun.

Be happy and keep on keeping on!
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Postby Shar » Tue Apr 15, 2014 9:57 am

Best wishes on you and the trailers and the pups in your new home, Bob. Spring is nearly here, and you have a whole new lifestyle to try on. Hope everyone settles in well...
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Postby bobhenry » Tue Apr 15, 2014 12:02 pm

Well the drive home from work is now 20 minutes shorter.

I arrived at the lil house at 4:05 yesterday instead of 4:25-4:30 at the old house.

With 25 degrees for an overnight low I went into hi gear about installing the wall mounted vent free heater as soon as I arrived. In about an hour it was operational. I am constantly laughed at about my junk collection but I proudly would like to say that each and every part that was needed to install the heater was in that same pile of junk. It is also fueled by a #20 LP tank I found setting in the driveway of an empty house a friend of mine had just moved out of. I found out from him later the movers would not load it on the moving van per ICC rules.

Anyway we have HEAT :thumbsup:
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Postby bobhenry » Thu Apr 17, 2014 7:11 am

Went back to the old house last night (Wed) and filled a few boxes but my heart wasn't in it.
Seeing the house waterless with no heat and electricity it was so cold and impersonal it made me sad. I had counted on it as a warm bright and safe enviroment for well over 2 decades and to see it reduced to a vacant unloved home left me with little desire to even hang around, much less pack and move.

Most all the cabinets and drawers are now empty. Probably one more good trailer load (and most of that is just good junk (it could stay or go). I hope to have a giant yard sale memorial day weekend. I am in hopes the sale will groom the pile way down at the storage building.

I am going to advertise Rip Van Winkle (the 4x7 teardrop) and the tailgating chuckwagon on Craigslist for the same weekend.

I have to pare down as I currently have to move 10 things to get to the one I need to perform a task. My tools are scattered here and there with no rhyme or reason. While I never was a neatnick the level of disarray is totally chaotic. I have to stop and realize I have only been in the house in a house 3 full days. I had helpers who packed and dumped everything everywhere. I am sure that it might take me another year to get settled in. :?

It is funny , I was awake most of the first night listening to creaks and groans and it was way too damn cold. My thoughts ran to the inevitable "What the hell have you gotten yourself into." I was able to get the heat going the next day and it was warmer and a bit more friendly but still cold. I slept fully clothed with long johns on and a hooded sweatshirt and gloves. By the 3rd night I had installed a very temporary wall of blue foam and a moving blanket door and the small propane heater was able to keep up despite the missing insulation in the walls and ceiling. By now the furniture and bare concrete had absorbed some of the heat and things were much more inviting. There are physical limitations to tiny house living but I have avoided almost all of them. I have storage out of this world, I don't worry about rain and snow as I am inside,security is a double lined steel building and no one knows what's inside. I have yet to utilize the bedroom or the kitchen area in the house in a house. I have slept in the recliner in the living room (10 x15).

Each day the adjustment becomes easier and easier and it will be more like home as soon as I can get the remainder of the insulation and the drywall installed. Getting the shelves and cabinets put up and filled will make day to day life much easier. Currently going through box after box to locate any item Is a half hour adventure.

The puppies seem to better understand what's going on and seem to be adjusting well. If the weather moderates a bit more it will be nice to be able to let them roam the shop. The ceiling has hugh skylights that let the sunlight into the building during the day so they won't feel like they are in a cave.

All in all with each passing day life in the tiny house arena becomes easier and easier.
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Postby S. Heisley » Thu Apr 17, 2014 8:29 am

It sounds like you are making progress and are staying positive. :thumbsup:
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Postby bobhenry » Mon Apr 21, 2014 1:25 pm

Well the one week update.....

Saturday the 12th was our (dogs and I ) first night in the house in a house. It is now eight days later.

We had a couple very cold nights and the little propane furnace only served to knock off the chill a bit. With a couple of sections of wall not in and only about 1/4 of the insulation in place the little heater never really had a chance. I walled off the livingroom with a temporary wall of 3/4 blue foam and a moving blanket as a door. The room was mid to high 40's compared to the 24 degrees in the shop. :frightened:

I made great progress this Sunday. I installed floor to ceiling shelves in the "outhouse" for the bath room type items and towels and washclothes.


I installed the same floor to ceiling shelves in the extra wide closet in the bedroom for folded clothes and bed linen.


I also got the hanging bar installed for the hanging clothes. The story behind this is all but unbelievable. 2 years ago Vickie told me the clinic she worked at was remodeling and these horizontal open shelved filing fixtures were being tossed and they asked if anyone wanted them. She tagged 8 or so of them and I went and picked them up. Well you all know I love free and they were a overflow pantry in the big house and they now are in the potty room and the closet of the House in a house. The clothes bar was in the freecycle windfall from the previous weekend but it wasn't long enough, so I took my trusty harbor freight 4" grinder and cut it in half. I had been given a 1/2 " waterpipe that was a bit short so I slid it into the modified clothes bar and now it was long enough.

The melamine shelving that was in the building when I moved in was cut to fit a couple of the kitchen nieches for floor to ceiling shelves.


I had a healthy bundle of 7' scrap 1x2's from work. I cut them 14" and used them as legs from shelf to shelf. Some 100% pure silicone and my pin nailer and they were in place. I emptied 8 or 9 boxes of food stuffs and bathroom goodies and placed them in the appropriate spaces. Everything I used was free junk from days past not a dime was spent except for a few construction screws and a tube of silicone. It felt good to get just a little organization back into my life. :beer:

I know :pictures: I will try and snap a few tonight.
Last edited by bobhenry on Fri May 09, 2014 8:12 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby bobhenry » Fri Apr 25, 2014 8:31 am

Well a couple factoids......

I am just now starting on the 2nd five gallons of potable water. Actually the doggies use far more of it than I do for their drinking water.

As to the other less savory part of off grid living. I have found that seperating #1 from #2 has a great value. The urine can be captured seperatly and more easily disposed of out here in the country. #2 is far less of a problem than I actually figured it would be. Since I am still working I have been able to reset my clock as to allow me the luxuary of utilizing the office facilities during the work day. In a week there have only been 2 necessary trips to Mr. Stinky for a movement. It is double bagged and disposed of the same as an infants dirty diaper.

I have yet to get the kitchen cabinets installed so meals have been extremely spartan. I dare say they do not meet any current nutrition standards yet. However tonight I intend to grill some great burgers and with a few sides it will be the first real home style meal since our arrival into the house in a house. Each day that I have some time to work on the remodel it gets easier and easier to live here.

This morning I awoke to the patter of rain drops on the metal roof. I stepped out of my little house in the corner into the front yard and stood there in the dry studying the roof overhead thinking how lucky I am that my yard never sees snow or rain. I did finally slide the big door open and invited in the fresh smell of the rain and a new day.
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