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PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 2:12 pm
by Cliffmeister2000
Very nice!

How do you secure the doors so they don't slam shut on you in a desert wind?

If you have to you that AC at night, it's gonna be a bit noisy. I think i would bash my brains out on the 2x4 framing.

When I saw that speed limit sign, I suspected you were from the Las Vegas area. Joanne live in Henderson and has a great weekender. You might look her up!

PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 6:42 pm
by S. Heisley
It matches the tow vehicle nicely and appears to have all the conveniences of home except the bathroom. (Good idea, to use the camp bath and let somebody else do the cleaning on that!)

With the air-conditioning at the one end, I imagine you'll cool the trailer down and shut it off before bedtime. Otherwise, it's best to put your feet at that end to sleep. (I almost got pneumonia one time from sleeping with an air conditioner next to my head.)

Nice Job! :applause:


PostPosted: Tue May 26, 2009 8:29 am
by Dan & Julie CO
Great build it has everything :o the paint color looks awesome.
in the post you said that you used cpes on all the joints and edges,
for the sake of learning and clarity on my part did you cpes the walls as well?
also how is the behr paint holding is it oxidizing getting cloudy?
I would like to use color on ours when the time arrives but I hear stories
of other builds thank you for the show and tell


PostPosted: Thu May 28, 2009 7:37 pm
by haul-all-day-rambler
niiiiice....i like the moon windows & the little kitchen....

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:55 am
by st
Hi hereinnv, are you still around?

Nice camper. I'm looking to build a similar sized and shape one to yours. Main difference will be that you've got a teardrop style kitchen and separate bedroom, whereas I want to open the two - walk through the rear barn doors, through the kitchen to the bed.

Do you know the total weight of the camper? How did you seal the rear barn doors and what kind of latches to keep them closed?
