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removing paint from appliances

PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 8:27 am
by elad
So the first thing I noticed in my new Aladdin is that the last owner had painted over the aqua stove top and icebox. He didn't like the color.
Is there a way I can safely remove the paint while leaving the original?


PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 9:35 am
by WhitneyK
If your lucky the previous owner used latex which can be removed (hopefully) with regular household ammonia. Ammonia works like paint thinner does on oil base or enamel paint, it's a "carrier". If it's enamel paint, you might go at it with stripper or laquer thinner?, just don't let it set long. Maybe even use it on a rag and rub it in (like waxing), then wipe clean when you start to see the green show through to stop the desolving process. Maybe even use a wet rag to nuetralize the stripper/thinner.

If you try these, do it in an inconspicuous spot so if it does take of the alvocado green, it won't show.

Just a thought, didn't say it was a good one!

Re: removing paint from appliances

PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 10:25 pm
by cooterdude
ive had good results with a product called citristrip its orange based so it shouldn't hurt the enamel surface under the paint your trying to remove