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best way to prep aluminum surface?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 11:11 pm
by TheresaD
Ok...I'm going to be replacing some of the clearance lights on the Sprite this weekend. Once I remove the old lights I know I'll have to scrape off any of the old left over butyl tape remnants (I don't think there's much left). Once that's done I'm guessing I should clean the aluminum surface so that when I put the new lights on the new putty will have a clean surface to adhere to. Is there anything special I should use to clean it? I was thinking perhaps rubbing alcohol or something but I'm not sure.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 2:18 am
by eezerz
Yup! You got it. The rubbing alcohol 70% should do it. It'll take off any residue left from the butyl tape too. "SCRAPE" sounds like a very harsh word. I hope your gonna use an old plastic spatula or something plastic and not too sharp to "SCRAPE" with??? Also I always like to wipe the alcohol off with a paper towel very shortly after prepping with it, just a precaution for painted surfaces. But it won't damage paint because it usually evaporates quite quickly. I also like to wipe the alcohol off with paper towel because the alcohol does leave a small amount of residue too.
P.S. If your butyl tape is really hard like cement, I like to use a heat gun or hair dryer to soften it up a bit. Just be careful not to hold it in one spot very long, as you may bubble your paint or damage the surface.
Hope this is helpful? Good luck with your new lights...

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 10:13 pm
by TheresaD
Thanks eez!