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End of the road for our Teardropping?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 12:47 pm
by Cliffmeister2000
My wife had surgery last month to trim the bulging disc she had between L1 & L2. She is fairing pretty well, but has bulging discs between L2 & L3, as well as L3 & L4, and she just had an MRI of the neck region because some issues she has could only come from up there. I'm guessing our two passions, Tear-dropping and bicycling, are over.

So, I'm weighing my options for a standie. I'd love a vintage unit, but have to be able to store it in the garage. That limits the overall length and height considerably.

I don't really know if I am asking for advice or not, but I want something that will be welcomed at teardrop gatherings. I believe home built and vintage have been welcome at every event we've been to, and only Lake Perris doesn't extend that courtesy that I've thought about attending.

So, I'm limited to 230" in overall length and 81" in height.

Any vintage units out there that will fit? :thinking:

PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 12:56 pm
by eamarquardt
My thoughts are to build exactly what you need. I'll volunteer to help with the custom frame.

Gimme a plan, a heads up to gather material, show up on Friday evening and you'll leave Sunday afternoon with your frame.



PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 1:01 pm
by Cliffmeister2000
Thanks, Gus! That might be the long range plan, but I'd love to find something campable in the meantime. There's some grat camping to be done, and I'm missing it!

I really do appreciate your offer on the frame. :thumbsup: You just might see me in your driveway next spring! :D

PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 5:34 pm
by Gage
Well Cliff, I know just what you need to look for, a vintage Rolite. :thumbsup:

Image Image

I have a couple more pics in my album.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 6:38 pm
by bohemian
This is the first time seeing one of these, I like it.
I would like to see a video of the set up.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 3:02 am
by Cliffmeister2000
That is very cool, Gage! :thumbsup:

Is it owned by a member here?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 3:39 am
by Gage
Cliffmeister2000 wrote:That is very cool, Gage! :thumbsup:
Is it owned by a member here?

I don't think so. Don't really remember where I got those pictures. In my travels I have seen two of them. They are a neat little trailer.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 6:09 am
by Shadow Catcher
My personal feeling is that you would be welcome what ever you have, to any teardrop gathering. There was one individual that came to one of the Buckeye Tearjerkers gatherings with an R-Pod who from our conversation was in a similar situation.
I have often though that a teardrop could be ideal for some one who was even wheel chair bound with built in accommodation i.e. grab bars and the galley counter top set at the proper height but I can see how back problems might make that very difficult.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 1:39 pm
by madjack
...sorry to hear of the wife's problems...getting older is kinda neat BUT, the decrepitude that accompanies it really stinks...Down here in the SCT, we don't care wattcha camp in, as long as you camp, you're welcome to join us anytime.........
madjack 8)

PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 2:32 pm
Sheryl and I are sorry to hear the news and hope things work out well. I can understand you wanting to get a small standie or vintage standie for the gatherings, but most of the ones we have been to would gladly welcome you with whatever you brought. Hope to camp with you both sometime this coming year.
Jim B / Utah

PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 6:18 pm
by mikeschn
Hey Cliff,

Sorry to hear about the wife. Hope things get better for her.

As for your camping passion, how about building a Winter Warrior?



P.S. You might also want to read about "Devil's Claw" and "White Willow".

PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 7:25 pm
by doug hodder also might keep your eyes open for an older Aristocrat Lo-Liner. They had 2 sets of wheels so the you could swap them out to fit in a garage. It's tough to find a regular standy that will just wheel in and out of a standard garage opening. I have to swap wheels on my Nomad. Once you get it down....takes like 15 min. with a floor jack and an air wrench, but then I'm not a Nascar tire changer. Doug

PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 7:35 pm
by Cliffmeister2000
Shadow Catcher, thanks. I have found that to be true wherever I have been.

Mad Jack, I now fully understand the old saying, "Youth is wasted on the young." :D

Jim, don't worry, we WILL camp, Lord willing, one way or another. I even saw this nifty little 17' 5th wheel! The drawback was the location of the bed, over the truck bed, which meant climbing into and out of it. We love camping with you guys. IRG 4.0 is right around the corner!

Mike, I've been toying with several ideas, including the Warrior. I'm thinking simpler is better, though. My criteria, at the moment, is 76" wide interior and 76" tall interior, to accomodate my 76" frame. :) All things are subject to change, however. :thinking:

I've given up on storing it in the garage. Next best thing is something that will fit in the farthest corner of the back yard, away from the watchful eyes of the HOA.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 7:43 pm
by Cliffmeister2000
Doug, I'd thought of something similar to hydraulics to lower the trailer, but not swapping out the wheels.

About January I bought my wife a new (to us) Dodge Ram 4 door 1500 pickup, and made room in the garage for it. The Weekender moved to the simgle car portion, and the Ram occupies the double car portion, with about 3/16" to spare! I built custom blocks to stop the truc before it hit the wall. Now, anything would have to fit in the smaller portion, which is much, much smaller! :?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 7:51 pm
WE know what you and the wife are going through. Trudy had C2 to C5 in her neck fused with plates 2 yrs ago next Thanksgivings and that is one of the reasons I built the new Warrior. 5' high in the front with a full bed crossways and porta potti in a seat and a stand up galley. Ed Evans built a trailer for his wife Ruby with a drop floor and door because she couldn't climb into a tear. I guess what I'm saying is don't give up the dream of camping just build to suit you and your wife's needs and we'll see you all out there some where.
