
Canvas covered foamies (Thrifty Alternatives...)

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Re: FoamStream...

Postby GPW » Wed May 25, 2022 5:05 am

John, can't leave the wife at home :o ... Since her back surgery , she's unable to get around very well ..." handicapped " ...
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Re: FoamStream...

Postby DaddyJeep » Wed May 25, 2022 8:17 am

GPW wrote:Bad news !!! The wife announced that she will No longer be evacuating during a Hurricane , because of her bad back . So now I have a useless EVAC trailer sitting in my driveway ... :o

That reminds me of a song... "Riding the storm out"
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Re: FoamStream...

Postby GPW » Thu May 26, 2022 5:49 am

I'd rather be riding on the highway, than sitting in the cupboard under the stairs ( Harry Potter style ) listening to the fury outside .. :o It's the safest place in the house , not as comfortable as the old FoamStream ...
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Re: FoamStream...

Postby GPW » Wed Jul 27, 2022 6:11 am

Well then , now that I finished my car "rustoration" ( almost three years now ), finally I can get back to the FoamStream ... Just a really good cleanup , a few tiny patches , and some new paint ... :thinking: I want to be Ready Just in case... :o No use having an EVAC trailer if it's not ready to go ... Just a couple good workdays with my helper and the FS be back in shape again . :thumbsup:
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Re: FoamStream...

Postby GPW » Wed Jul 27, 2022 6:16 am

Fortunately this car has a tow capacity of 2000 lbs. so the FS at half that weight "should" tow just fine ... :thinking:
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Re: FoamStream...

Postby GPW » Sat Dec 03, 2022 6:12 am

The FoamStream is now ~ 10 years old now , and has been sitting outside in the weather all this time , and is showing some signs of needing a few little canvas patches in some areas . So yesterday we pressure washed the FS, cleaning off much accumulated dirt , lichens, etc. Simply a matter of cutting away the afflicted spots , and making a new piece to affix over the old areas ... Pretty simple , and I'm happy to have it lasted this long without much care .With Patching , it should easily last another ten years ...I hope I last that long !!! :lol:
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Re: FoamStream...

Postby ghcoe » Sat Dec 03, 2022 12:49 pm

Wow! Hard to believe it has been 10 years now. :shock:

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Re: FoamStream...

Postby GPW » Sun Dec 04, 2022 6:49 am

George , doesn't seem that long , but I'm Old now ... :shock: Wasn't so long ago people were adamant that Foamies would just blow up at speed and there'd be foam bits all over the road ... Now we can say they were wrong , and back it up with factual information ... :lol:
And we didn't even need the 500 lbs. of Beer Ballast ... :R
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Re: FoamStream...

Postby ghcoe » Sun Dec 04, 2022 3:55 pm

I can't tell you how many miles my squaredrop has bumped along on two track roads the last few years. I think it would put many traditional built off road trailers to shame. Glad it is light because there were roads that I know I would not been able to climb if it weighed much more than it does.

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Re: FoamStream...

Postby GPW » Mon Sep 18, 2023 5:29 am

Well, It's been a Long HOT summer... and with the weather finally getting a little cooler , we're planning on a complete renovation of the FoamStream ... Replacing some canvas , repainting , and sprucing up the inside ...The poor thing has been sitting outside for a decade, surviving bad weather and hurricanes ... never blew over , even in 100 + mph winds and is looking a bit shabby ... It's time ... :thumbsup:
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Re: FoamStream...

Postby GPW » Sun Feb 11, 2024 7:07 am

Finally proceeding with the FoamStream restoration ... First off we have some patching to do ... Little places that were somehow holding moisture in the canvas rotted over the years and allowed water to enter the front interior ... I can only blame myself . So we're going to do the right thing and instead of stripping all the canvas off and redoing it , we're just going to patch it up . Remove what we must and replace what needs ... Mostly the patched holes, and the bottom drip edge , which will require removal of the old outer canvas edge and replaced with new "Treated" canvas ( the Mix ) , solving another long term problem ... Turns out the drip edge as we have it is wetted every day ( our humidity) and any untreated fiber will retain water... and rot eventually . :o Other than that the drip edges have functioned perfectly protecting the floor ... :thumbsup: We used George's idea of sheetrock edging strips and that worked Great !!! ( Thanks George !!! 8) ) ... Just enough to do the job . Attached to the floor bottom with stainless steel staples... No problem..

That's the first stage , starting today .
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Re: FoamStream...

Postby GPW » Sun Feb 11, 2024 7:11 am

FoamStream well over 10 years now ...and they said it would never work ... Foamies ... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: FoamStream...

Postby ghcoe » Sun Feb 11, 2024 10:22 am

GPW wrote: We used George's idea of sheetrock edging strips and that worked Great !!! ( Thanks George !!! 8) ) ... Just enough to do the job . Attached to the floor bottom with stainless steel staples... No problem..


Gorrilla Glue, Great Stuff and Gripper. The three G's of foamie construction.

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Re: FoamStream...

Postby GPW » Wed Feb 21, 2024 3:58 pm

Patching complete ... Anything suspect was cut out and patched... It's not pretty , but cleaned up and painted with an entirely new paint colors and scheme, it'll do ... :thumbsup:
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Re: FoamStream...

Postby GPW » Wed Feb 21, 2024 4:05 pm

Got Nasty quickly sitting under the trees :o ... It'll clean up ... I have a brush on a stick ... :D
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