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Re: Mini hopper build

PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2014 5:34 am
by GPW
QUOTE: “ As women we think differently “ ... That’s an undisputed Fact !!! :lol: :roll:

Using sheets , you should be able to get a really SMOOTH finish ... no weave huh (very little) .. seams should be almost invisible ... :thumbsup:

Re: Mini hopper build

PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2014 2:02 pm
by JThompson
picked up 3 soft plastic bowl scrapers from the dollar store.. Perfect for smoothing fabric to the foam.. Pretty dam spiffy for spreading sparkle that doesnt need sanding latter too. nice smooth finish

Re: Mini hopper build

PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2014 5:14 pm
by GPW
Using sheets , the seams should readily disappear under a primer ... 8)

Re: Mini hopper build

PostPosted: Fri May 30, 2014 9:14 am
by JThompson
Progress made.
Galley is 80% installed. :D
My " AHA!" design change is indeed working. I added a hatch at the bottom of the galley that will allow a queen size regular bed mattress to be put in or taken out as needed without alot of hassel. :thinking:
Discovered 2 leaks in the roof in this past weeks downpours, but not to worried as the canvas/ fabric isnt on yet nor is the paint. Experimenting with reinforced aluminum duct tape on the seams, stuffs 5 inches wide and seems to be adhering to the foam well. Where I have put it so far the leaks have stopped. Tite bond seems to stick to it as well as it does to the foam. :worship:
Doors are partially framed, sanding the glue /great stuff over flows. Not getting to concerned with it being 100% smooth. If I dont like it with sheeting, I'll canvas and that should hide whats left.
This weekend is finish the wood work, get that painted. Get the fabric on the outside and a coat of paint.. lots to do and only about 3 weeks to finish

Re: Mini hopper build

PostPosted: Fri May 30, 2014 11:06 pm
by Shar
Good progress! Best of luck with the next few weeks!

Re: Mini hopper build

PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2014 6:38 am
by GPW
JT, you can chase down those leaks with Great Stuff , BEFORE covering .... You do really want a solid (leakproof) foam shell to cover... In a Foamie’ , everything depends on everything else ... ;)

Re: Mini hopper build

PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2014 12:16 pm
by JThompson
SO its all sorta irrelevant today. went out this morning and put great stuff in all those cracks, really filled everything up good. No more light visable anywhere. about a hour later we got a microburst thunderstorm that dumped almost 2 inches of rain in under 30 mins. And heres the result :(

Re: Mini hopper build

PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2014 12:24 pm
by atahoekid
OH, NO!!!! :cry: :cry: You were so far along, yet not quite far enough. What a shame. I'm hoping that you can salvage the good parts and rebuild. I know how fragile the shell can be until you get some layers on it. I was always worried about snapping pieces as I worked. I was fortunate to work in a garage. Outdoors and mother nature makes the call....

Re: Mini hopper build

PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2014 5:13 pm
by GPW
Just a temporary setback .... all the pieces should fit back together pretty easily ...

Re: Mini hopper build

PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2014 5:52 pm
by JThompson
it twisted and torqued when it went. I'm going to try to reuse alot of it. but theres some that just going to need replacement. thinking of laminating whats left of the roof panels to some thin ply to make it stronger, wood side will go in to me.. foam side out to canvas. I really didnt need this sort of set back this week. Been rough enough and the concept of camping in it soon was helping

Re: Mini hopper build

PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2014 6:01 pm
by lthomas987
Oh No!
That is terrible. I hope it all goes back together quickly.

Re: Mini hopper build

PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 6:57 am
by JThompson
really hating comments like:
this is god saying build teardrop out of wood

some people are so close minded

Re: Mini hopper build

PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 8:17 am
by GPW
Sometimes it’s best Not to linger in foam unfriendly places ... :roll:

Re: Mini hopper build

PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 8:22 am
by kudzu
Foolish people say foolish things. Ignore that type of person. There's no reasoning with them without getting down to their level. You don't want to do that. The air's bad down there. :lol:

Am so sorry that happened. Hopefully no humans or pets were injured. I was in my truck stuck in traffic when we got hit by a microburst. Honestly thought it was an invisible tornado & we were going to get sucked up. A smaller vehicle ahead of me was lifted up enough that I saw space between the asphalt & the left rear tire. :shock: It was seriously scary. Didn't know what had happened until I got home & saw the news. That's when I learned the term microburst.

It's disheartening & probably rather demoralizing but... Rebuild!

Re: Mini hopper build

PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 8:48 am
by GPW
You know , that brings up a good subject of FOAMIE’ Repairs .... Something I don’t think we’ve discussed as yet ... Good time to discuss putting back all the pieces , rather than starting over or making any hasty reinforcing judgements :roll: ... The foam shell is just a Basic insulated “form" , just a part of the equation ... 
Having crashed literally hundreds of Foamie RC planes , and putting them back together "in the field" , one can easily see how easy it is to add or subtract , or even Replace pieces of foam ... No grain to worry about . Just cut away the bad parts , cut and fit new parts and stick them in ... and in even in some of our worst crashes , we were back in the air in < 15 minutes... It all seems the same would apply to our Foamie ‘ trailers eh ? :thinking:
JT, just relax, think this through , save all the parts and glue them back together ... being an homogeneous material , it doesn’t matter how you glue it back together ... (Great Stuff spray foam works great for joining less than perfectly fitting pieces ... ;) ) Once everything is back close , sand off the repair seams .. Once it’s covered , nobody will ever know eh ? (Unless you post pictures , which we would enjoy seeing it all go back together :pictures: )

Ps. You would not believe how many pieces and bits are crammed/sprayed/glued on later in that FoamStream nose ... a horror to behold ... :frightened: Once covered it looked pretty normal , albeit like a basketball ... :oops: The Nasty bits sanded away ...