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PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:39 am
by GPW
36F here now , trailer work has to wait a bit till it warms up ... BRRRRR!!!! :o

PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:08 pm
by linuxmanxxx
I'm not blind and pretty sure you could get a much better price with a little black paint on that trailer ;)

PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:01 pm
by GPW
Not to worry !!! I have a Sicilian guy interested in it and he “like a da Redâ€

PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:46 pm
by Wolffarmer
Rosey wrote:I contacted henry's and childers directly and found out there is no local henry's distributor. There is a childers distributor relatively close by though, for which they provided the number. I contacted them and learned they can order the chil-seal for $16 something a gallon and it is also available in 2 gal and 5 gal containers. I'm back in business :twisted: I'll let you know how it works.

Where did you find that stuff? They haven't answered my email yet. And I hate phones so I haven't called

:lol: :lol:


PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:47 am
by atahoekid
Thanks Eagle and GPW for the kind thoughts about the surgery. Even with the newest techniques, I will be in a sling for four weeks but it will be nice to have full strength and range of motion back in my shoulder. I was pretty excited mid-week since the business trip I had scheduled for next week cancelled which would allow me extra days to work on the trailer before surgery, but I think "she who must be obeyed" has different ideas of what to do with that extra time. Since it's close to Christmas and the house ain't decorated yet (with the 12 storage crates of stuff) and I will be pretty useless after Thursday, I believe I will be occupied helping with Christmas stuff. So, I guess the trailer will sit in it's current condition for a couple of months. But that gives me more time to think and innovate. I guess there's an upside to everything :lol: :lol:

PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:53 am
by atahoekid
Rosey wrote:I contacted henry's and childers directly and found out there is no local henry's distributor. There is a childers distributor relatively close by though, for which they provided the number. I contacted them and learned they can order the chil-seal for $16 something a gallon and it is also available in 2 gal and 5 gal containers. I'm back in business :twisted: I'll let you know how it works.

That's good news Rosey... Please keep us posted. Curious minds want to know and I know there are a few of us that are interested in the product. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this is the "ultimate" in canvas to foam glue and weave fill. :worship:

PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:06 am
by Wolffarmer
Hey Mel.

Take care of them shoulders. I have had both of mine worked on. Left one back in the early 70's as it was falling out of joint at the slightest provocation. The right one 2 years ago for a torn rotator cuff. Now I have trouble reaching behind me. That is the greatest movement limitation now. I have to be careful when getting arrested the cops don't pull my wrists together. That just is not happening. My rotator cuff surgery did not have the greatest outcome, still having problems with it but I have meet a lot of others that are doing great with theirs. And arthritis is setting on the left one. If I knew I was going to live this long I would have taken better care of myself.

Oh well. guess I'll go camping. At least in my head. I can always burn my new to me lanterns.

:lol: :lol:


PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:10 am
by GPW
Here’s an interesting note ... Last night we entertained some Doctors, lawyers, Professionals, (the wife’s friends/co workers)... and everybody wanted to know about the little trailer in the driveway ... :o So I had to Explain the whole Foamie thing to them ... in detail ... :roll: I found it Curious they wanted to know ... Don’t think Any of them could pack a wheel bearing ,or change a tire , much less own a trailer ... :o
And the ladies were most curious about the Inside ... the guys liked the outside .... Go figure ...

PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:30 am
by Treeview
GPW wrote: And the ladies were most curious about the Inside ... the guys liked the outside

Whenever there is a male/female difference that I don't understand I use two filters to help me comprehend the differences.

One is:

Hunter/gatherer or nester

The other:

Venus or Mars

Inside=nest and intimacy/life/food
Outside= H/G, gotta have a reason/home to support/defend/build

Makes perfect sense, does Nature or Nurture define who we are? :thinking:

PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:22 am
by GPW
That’s a great way to View it ,Tree !!! Explains everything ... well most everything ... :roll:

PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:40 pm
by DJT
GPW, I imagine that your trailer, as any tiny trailer, will garner curiosity wherever it goes, the construction materials/technique just makes it that much more interesting. I've had to spend several hours explaining the design and construction of mine and I don't even have walls built yet! :)

I really do think that there might be a market for a commercial version of these. Lightweight for towing, small enough to be towed by just about anything, low maintenance costs, "rustic" for the back-to-nature urbanite camper, etc. add to that the "livability" inherent to the foam construction...

PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:11 pm
by atahoekid
Wolffarmer wrote:Hey Mel.

Take care of them shoulders. I have had both of mine worked on. Left one back in the early 70's as it was falling out of joint at the slightest provocation. The right one 2 years ago for a torn rotator cuff. Now I have trouble reaching behind me. That is the greatest movement limitation now. I have to be careful when getting arrested the cops don't pull my wrists together. That just is not happening. My rotator cuff surgery did not have the greatest outcome, still having problems with it but I have meet a lot of others that are doing great with theirs. And arthritis is setting on the left one. If I knew I was going to live this long I would have taken better care of myself.

:lol: :lol:


Thanks Randy, like you I can't reach behind my back and I have a limited range of motion upward. If it weren't for that I might not opt to have the surgery. My problem is a SLAP tear. I guess it's essentially a tendon tear so it will be repaired and reattached to a different spot. Might be rotator cuff issues too. MRI was inconclusive.

Mezmo, thanks. I do plan to think and rethink things as I sit around rehabilitating the shoulder. Looks like 4 weeks before I can even pick up anything. I may go crazy :? :?

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:56 am
by GPW
DJ ... with cars ( and paychecks ) getting smaller and smaller , Foamies seem to be the right idea for “We the 99% “ ... :thumbsup:
(The 1% doesn’t “campâ€

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:14 am
by Wolffarmer
[quote="GPW"] (The 1% doesn’t “campâ€

PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:59 pm
by Tiredoldwhiteman
[quote="Wolffarmer"][quote="GPW"] (The 1% doesn’t “campâ€