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Re: Thrifty Alternatives ... Building Foam TDs

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 12:26 pm
by Ratkity
atahoekid wrote:
eaglesdare wrote:good morning foamlings! :banana:
btw: simba has the lights on routine down for sure now. 451am this morning. he has learned. he has done this for about 4 or 5 days now in a row. oh well, i guess we'll just learn to live with it. :D

Try this trick... worked on my wife's dumba$$ poodle who used to bark at every dog that walked down the street. Take an empty coke can, drop a few pennies in it, tape up the opening. When the poodle starts barking, just toss the can in the general direction of the dog and the noise startles him and gets him to stop. Now only a quick shake of the can gets him to the stop. Works on all kinds of unwanted behavior

The trick is for him NOT to see who threw it. I used a closed loop medium heavy chain with an S-hook attaching the middle so it looked like a figure 8. It's a little easier to carry around and keep silent until you need it.


Re: Thrifty Alternatives ... Building Foam TDs

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 12:34 pm
by eaglesdare
serioulsy, this wasn't a big deal til he started getting earlier and earlier. this morning was some ungodly hour, 430 or earlier? i made him wait til 5, took him out and then put him back to bed. no breakfast at 430am for you! :shock:

Re: Thrifty Alternatives ... Building Foam TDs

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 12:49 pm
by atahoekid
Ratkity wrote:
atahoekid wrote:
eaglesdare wrote:good morning foamlings! :banana:
btw: simba has the lights on routine down for sure now. 451am this morning. he has learned. he has done this for about 4 or 5 days now in a row. oh well, i guess we'll just learn to live with it. :D

Try this trick... worked on my wife's dumba$$ poodle who used to bark at every dog that walked down the street. Take an empty coke can, drop a few pennies in it, tape up the opening. When the poodle starts barking, just toss the can in the general direction of the dog and the noise startles him and gets him to stop. Now only a quick shake of the can gets him to the stop. Works on all kinds of unwanted behavior

The trick is for him NOT to see who threw it. I used a closed loop medium heavy chain with an S-hook attaching the middle so it looked like a figure 8. It's a little easier to carry around and keep silent until you need it.


Good Point, generally the dog is so involved in the unwanted behavior that he never sees it coming...

Re: Thrifty Alternatives ... Building Foam TDs

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:26 am
by eaglesdare
i so can't let this thread fall any lower down. so time for some chit chat. :D it is snowing right now. thats it for the weather. and now for your dog story: since i unplugged the light, simba now touches my face at 430 am! :x not only does he touch it with a wet cold nose, but he sits there whining. so i still have to get up to let him out. :roll:
now onto the food: i made the best corn muffins and blueberry muffins ever! they came out perfectly. yippee!

we took a ride to lowes on saturday. i decided to bring simba for the ride and walk thru the store. since he is such a big coward, i thought this experience would be good for him. and it was. he was so good inside the store. he was a little stand off-ish about anything that moved on wheels. didn't much care for those scary monsters, but all the people he was great with. he likes men more than woman. hubby ended up buying a few things, but i was more interested in simbas experience i did not even look at anything.

ok well thats it for me. enjoy you day.

Re: Thrifty Alternatives ... Building Foam TDs

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 1:59 pm
by absolutsnwbrdr
I love taking Fred into Lowes. Many people look confused as to why there is a Beagle in the store, and I always hear people whisper things like "Are dogs even allowed in here?" :lol: :lol:

Re: Thrifty Alternatives ... Building Foam TDs

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 2:33 pm
by eaglesdare
i am going to try to take him more often. its good for him. but i was feeling a bit strange bringing a dog inside a store. :lol:

Re: Thrifty Alternatives ... Building Foam TDs

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 2:50 pm
by droid_ca
I wonder if our hardware stores allow pets....still not sure if I'd bring them if I were allowed too just seems strange to me :thinking:

Re: Thrifty Alternatives ... Building Foam TDs

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 6:12 pm
by GPW
QUOTE: “ since i unplugged the light, simba now touches my face at 430 am! :x:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Dogs !!!! :lol: You can always tell them it’s a potential seeing eye dog, and you’re just training it ... :R ... :NC

...ever tell you the story about the two ladies going into a bar with a German Shepherd, and a Chihuahua ... :o

Re: Thrifty Alternatives ... Building Foam TDs

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 6:32 pm
by GPW
Well, since we’re OT ... again ... :roll:

I’ve been making newsboy caps .. :D 88695 Might just bring some down to the Art Market and see if I can generate some Foamie dollars ... :thinking: Been raining , can’t work outside ... :rainy:

Re: Thrifty Alternatives ... Building Foam TDs

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 6:41 pm
by eaglesdare
oh those are super cute! :applause: :wine:

Re: Thrifty Alternatives ... Building Foam TDs

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 7:06 pm
by GPW
Figured if I make enough of them I’d get it right !!!! :roll: hit the bargain table at the fabric store ... for like 30 bucks , I have enough to make a whole Bunch ... :D I wore one to the gig at the Palace (The Bingo Palace :lol: ) on Sunday and everybody wanted to know where I got it ... Thinking I can turn this little creative project into some Foamie coin ... Schmaybe ? :thinking:

Re: Thrifty Alternatives ... Building Foam TDs

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:20 pm
by Glenn Davies
has anyone ever considered using battleship linoleum, now know as marmoleum to skin the interior? I'm in the flooring business, and could get the lino for next to nothing. I think it would work perfect for the inside ceiling, as it would make the curve and it could be installed in one continuous piece. Also it would work well for the interior walls if you could get it to sit flat enough between the "framing".

Re: Thrifty Alternatives ... Building Foam TDs

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:51 pm
eaglesdare wrote:i so can't let this thread fall any lower down. so time for some chit chat. :D

You foamies are chatty. That is why I had to unsubscribe a few times over the last year. Some good info, but it is impossible to find it :?

Re: Thrifty Alternatives ... Building Foam TDs

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 9:39 pm
by KCStudly
CARS wrote,
You foamies are chatty. That is why I had to unsubscribe a few times over the last year. Some good info, but it is impossible to find it

Yep, that's what the big thread is for. Eagle has declared it that way by popular demand. :thumbsup:

Just like the rest of this place. It's all here for you to decide what is right for you. If you have another idea, go for it. We'd be interested in that, too.

Got a cute pet? Let's see a pic!

If that means you don't want to bother with the thrifty thread and hearing about peoples "goings on" and dogs and hats and what they learned from their dad, then you just go on and click a different button on that there little screen thingy there in front of you. :R

But seriously, most of the basics are now pretty well covered by the indivdual sticky topics and peoples build threads, so if you are looking in on them you probably aren't missing anything. :D

No disrespect intended. At first I was a little miffed off at your post, but now I'm just having a little chuckle and being sassy. Hope you have thick skin. :lol:

Re: Thrifty Alternatives ... Building Foam TDs

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 9:47 pm
by Wobbly Wheels
Glenn, I've put marmoleum in a couple work boats and I'm thinking of it for my build. I too can source it pretty cheap (just as well - it's pretty heavy to ship) but it's tough as nails - it's the only thing that held up more than a couple seasons. I'm looking at a winding up with a hunting/fishing trailer that I can hose out after a trip...marmoleum wrapped up over the baseboard and topped with aluminum trim fits the bill perfectly.

For anyone who's interested, I've recently been playing with a product called KiwiGrip. It meant as a nonskid for decks and is textured with a proprietary roller, but I'm looking at it as a roofing compound applied with a low nap roller. It's one of the few latex products that seems to do well outdoors and from what I've seen so far it would be like Rhino Liner for a roof only more flexible.
The downside is that (being marine) it's pushing $150/gallon I think. Coverage is about 90 sq ft/gal - one gallon did one complete side deck of a 48' sailboat. I would have no qualms whatsoever about using it with canvas as a covering.
The boat owner has 2 gals and a quart unopened but he's thinking of going back to teak, so I may just buy one of his gallons. If I do, I'll do a test piece on some canvas.
Still, garage floor epoxy is my current exterior covering of choice...$100 and I have enough to do the whole shell in a matte grey...with colored flecks if I want them...