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Re: OK, here goes: Grits

PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 7:24 am
by bonnie
Very nice windows, Mary. Love how the rods are there.

Re: OK, here goes: Grits

PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 10:45 pm
by Mary C
Thanks Bonnie, and Mel, I have one more thing to take pictures of and I will show off some on the Ladies Thread, I will wait to put them here till I have the construction finished. but I am glad you noticed the curtain rods. They double to hold the wedges.

Thanks to GPW and KC I am working hard. My aluminum hinges are ordered and should be here Tuesday or Wednesday. I realized after I ordered them I forgot the screws so hopefully I can get some locally.

Mary C. :lady:

Re: OK, here goes: Grits

PostPosted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 4:25 am
by GPW
Mary, Don’t use regular screws , they Rust ... get the SS screws ... That works OK...

Re: OK, here goes: Grits

PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 9:21 am
by eaglesdare
OK Mary, Now you can come build my doors with windows for me!

You have done a great job on those. :wine:

Re: OK, here goes: Grits

PostPosted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 11:45 am
by Mary C
I'd love too. except I can't make mouse shaped but I could make the square doors!!!!

some day I will learn how to do curves..........

Thanks for your support. Are you planning any camping trips this year?

Mary C. :lady:

Re: OK, here goes: Grits

PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 11:20 pm
by Mary C
Well, I have been busy. I have made a Quilt holder while quilting, stand. I had to drill a 1 1/2 inch hole in a two by four and I was doing quite well till I could not hold on to the drill and it decided to keep twisting and my hand held on and my thumb sorta twisted then my wrist. Yes my wrist that I had surgery on last mothers day. I kept a couple of pain pills so I took one covered the whole thing in Ice, 3 Ice packs and cried myself to sleep. I got up this morning and I started my day with coffee and Advil, then unwrapped my wrist and It is still a little swollen and hurts some but much better. Not broken and I can move everything just sore. so more Ice and Advil as the day progressed. If I can find my camera I will take pictures of this stand. I am doing a few things around the house and finally decided how to do some of the finishing things on the TD. I will take it easy for the next few days. Just thought I'd catch you up.

Mary C. :lady:

Re: OK, here goes: Grits

PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 11:32 pm
by Shar
Looking forward to seeing more of your build! And get well soon, hope the injury doesn't keep you down long. I know someone else who was injured in just the same way, so take comfort that you're not the only one. :NC

Re: OK, here goes: Grits

PostPosted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 12:14 am
by S. Heisley
Glad there's no permanent damage. Feel better soon careful!

From what I've read, I think that you are a knowledgeable person, Mary; so, I can only hope that the information below gives you some suggestions that you aren't already aware of.

-Use bits that have not dulled too much and, if you have trouble drilling something, try dampening the bit tip area with a little light machine oil, like sewing machine oil.
-Try tapping a little hole or indentation with a nail, smaller that the drill bit first, to help guide the drill.
-If the drill still fights you, stop! Don't fight back. Quit; back out; and then go back in carefully, making certain that there is nothing causing the bit to catch first. Turn the drill off (take your finger off the trigger) if the drill/bit catches or fights you and then back out.
-If you can't back out, disconnect the drill bit from the drill and take the bit out slowly and carefully, checking to see what it is hanging up on. Use pliers on the attachment end of the bit, if need be.

If anybody else has some tips on drilling, now would be a good time to tell us. Thanks.

Re: OK, here goes: Grits

PostPosted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 9:25 pm
by KCStudly

Re: OK, here goes: Grits

PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 2:52 pm
by Mary C
Thanks KC HEE hee hee :laughter: Now just how would I clamp? I clamped my arm, put it in a wrist/arm protector. Now that it has healed up some and is not hurting .............I have no idea where the *$#* I'd put a clamp but I got it done. and a wood worker friend said that it didn't have a clutch...........and that kind of drill was dangerous........It is light weight and uses a key and was on sale............when you take your finger off the trigger it takes forever to stop turning............... I will buy a new one even if it is cheap one as long as it has a clutch, whatever that means.

Thanks KC

Mary C.

Re: OK, here goes: Grits

PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 7:07 pm
by Wolffarmer
Clutches are for scaredy cats. 4 years back I bought an old school 1/2 inch drill at an estate auction. That thing has power and will spin ya right around. RPM is not quite as fast as the new ones. But at least it does reverse. It is a B&D from the mid 60s. I have it for iron work that I can't take to the drill press.

Re: OK, here goes: Grits

PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 11:16 pm
by S. Heisley
Thanks for the tip, Mary. I didn't know that some drills have clutches. My old drill went south and the new one isn't worth $!.... I can see how much things have been cheapened in the last ten years. Maybe I'll have to get me a nice one with a clutch!

Re: OK, here goes: Grits

PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 11:40 pm
by Wolffarmer
When buying a new drill I have found ( at least in my opinion ) that one should stay away from the 110v drills that have the little short cord on them. If they saved a few pennies on the cord, where else did they cut corners? At least get one with a long cord or go with a good battery drill. I often take my battery drill on camping trips. Never know when you might need one and toss in 1/2 of a set of egg beaters and you can use it cooking.

:lol: :lol: Yes I have done that Randy

Re: OK, here goes: Grits

PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 11:56 pm
by Mary C
All I know is that the drill is dangerous with a 1 1/2 paddle drill bit with no clutch.

Randy, I plan to take my battery one camping but I had used the 110 when the battery ran down, I guess I will buy a new one later.

:dancing Oh Oh :bounce: I am so excited my friend called and said I could have her solar panels. I am so excited!!! don't ask I know that she had them up for about 5 years before she got a divorce and moved and they are in her little building so ..........that is all I know. I do know that they can get atmospheric burned like my plexiglass headlights and the plexie I used for my windows. but free is my game now I gotta go and pick them up next weekend, I know I will have to do all that wiring stuff and maybe I can do a how to in the electrical step by step cause I know nothin" My friends ex husband had them hardwired and out on a pole outside and wired with house wire. I hope someone can walk through it with me to get it wired right for my use. I will pick it up take pictures and put it on here. I have a ton of brush to burn on Monday and Tuesday I pay bills and shop on Wednesday and Thursday and Friday I will go get the panels and all the stuff that she has for it. I am sooooooooooooooooooooooo Excited !!!! :dancing:

Mary C. :lady:

Re: OK, here goes: Grits

PostPosted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 5:03 am
by GPW
Solar panels .... That’s very Good eh !!! :thumbsup: 8)

Re: drills ... Normally when we’re drilling something Large (large bit) , we resort to a drill press and clamp the work down ... Some hand drills have an extra detachable handle which really helps for heavy duty work ...