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Re: Thrifty Alternatives ... Building Foam TDs

PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 2:39 pm
by KCStudly
Did the Foam Liner ever get started, or did that idea die on the vine?

You have me thinking that Big Mike has started a trend, two campers under construction at the same time. :? :roll:

Re: Thrifty Alternatives ... Building Foam TDs

PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 5:34 pm
by GPW
Apologies to you folks , I do tend to throw a lot of er, “different” ideas out there and then end up building something really Simple ... and will probably continue to do as such ... :roll: On the other if I had a big shop, tools and a helper or 8 ,and a shedload of money , I might be able to “contract" a few more “interesting" builds ! Just one tired old guy, probably older than anybody here , cept’ Pete .. :NC Finite time and limited energy ... and it’s Hot as heck outside ... :oops:

Contracting sounds best ! A path our most gifted moderator seems to have perfected ... :thinking:

Re: Thrifty Alternatives ... Building Foam TDs

PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 9:19 pm
by KCStudly
Maybe you could barter some of your art in trade for labor or materials.

I'm very happy with the result of my swap, fabricating on Mike's Rover in exchange for saw time. :thumbsup:

Re: Thrifty Alternatives ... Building Foam TDs

PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 10:01 pm
by atahoekid
HURUMPHH :( :( I was hoping to see one of your works of art come to life... I particularly like that one (low and wide). It just appeals to my eye. If I ever decide to build another, I may borrow pretty heavily from that design. I like the "Corvette" nose. Reminds me of the days when I was single and had money. Had a Corvette... Now I'm married, have 3 kids in college and I drive a 11 year old pick up truck. Runs great though!!!! :lol: :shock: :?

Re: Thrifty Alternatives ... Building Foam TDs

PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 6:00 am
by GPW
Mel , I used to drive sports cars , even had a 60’s 190SL... now I drive a Silverado , much more practical for this old guy ...
Just so Hot here , I can’t get motivated ... I do much better in the Spring and fall , the 2 weeks of really nice weather before and after the long hot summer ... :roll:
KC , if I sold some Art , I could just buy one :o .... alas the Art market has taken a big hit , partially due to the economy , and partially due to Greedy art dealers who now demand 80%.. All I can say is , What the (you know what)? ... I’d have much better luck bartering ... Plus the fact that when I learned to paint , I learned how to make it look real , unlike todays promoted offerings that look like they were done by wild animals on drugs ... :frightened: JMHO

On my first TD (wood ) I actually hired a guy to give me a hand , it worked out well and quickly , but added much to the finished price ... Foam being so easy , I can handle it all by myself , just takes more time ...

This was all born after Katrina when I heard many tales of woe by folks that could not find lodging and had to either camp out , or live out of their cars ... Found this site (thankfully) and it went from there ... The thing was , wooden TDs can be pricy for some , skills required and tools ... so something cheap and easy was needed , something most anybody could build that would provide shelter ... Volks trailers ... Now we know that the govt. in it’s lack of wisdom resorted to the RV companies for shelters :roll: ...and naturally the companies produced the WORST trailers that involved a long bureaucracy , a list of private contractors and LOTS of taxpayer dollars ... and there are still areas of the country where these rotting hulks sit in broad fields , trailers to the horizon, land still rented by us for storage ... Plus , they were POISONOUS , chemicals that harmed many people ... Lawyers still debating those consequences... Talk about Economy , everybody “connected” made a bundle off that deal and still are... all paid by us .... "Good Job Brownie" ... :roll:

Even Grandpa can build a Foamie ... (I am and did ) , a simple shelter ... low cost , no real skills required ... Something for everybody .... sure beats sleeping in a tent ...
I speak from this more cautious view because it’s Hurricane season again , something is in the Gulf , and naturally nobody knows where it’s going to go ... This time , I have my Foamie ready , small as it is , it’s Dry , private , and with enough old pillows , comfortable ... Best of all , with a bit of Salvage and wheeling dealing , mine only cost ~ 650 USD... cheaper than a FS TV set... :beer: A trailer for Everybody ... a hard tent , simple shelter for time of need ... That was the idea ... FWIW ?

Sorry for the rambling on , it’s early and I need more coffee ... :oops:

Re: Thrifty Alternatives ... Building Foam TDs

PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 10:31 am
by atahoekid
GPW, I'm glad you had that moment of revelation when you decided a hard tent on wheels, simple to build, etc. was the answer to your problems. (Sorry about them hurricanes, tho) It was the starting point and we've gone in a lots of different directions since. Some people see the thriftiness, some see the lightweight, some see materials that aren't prone to decay, some see a novel and better approach to an old idea. Whatever way you see it, this all started with someone (that'd be you) who saw the potential and promoted it. We all just jumped on board. One of these days, someone will take those "different" sketches you throw out there and build one. When you look at what you can do with "low tech" foam and cloth, it's not hard to see what you can do with some more "space age" materials and techniques. Keep sketchin', keep thinkin' and build what you like.

Re: Thrifty Alternatives ... Building Foam TDs

PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 10:50 am
by GPW
Mel. Thanks !!!! Hurricanes here are just something that happens ... :roll: Other places have different disaster scenarios , that may have different EVAC and living needs ... But just having it (the “toy” Foamie )has gone a Loooong way in helping the wife deal with the idea and stresses of EVAC... Security blanket trailer ... :rainy:
Sure we have friends all over the country we can go live with , but it’s a great burden on them and us , disrupts the daily normal behavior ... That and sooner or later I always rub somebody the wrong way ... :roll: :NC Living in somebody’s back yard or driveway is much better for both parties ... who will remain friends long after the incident ...

Getting started now on a Bigger , more reasonable , less crowded size trailer , which will make “her” feel even more secure , although at the moment she still thinks I’m Crazy :R Takes time for some ideas to sink in , usually after the practical application ... So for now the “toy” foamie patiently sits in the driveway , ready to be loaded up and hit the road .... depending which way the wind blows ... :roll: :frightened: :beer:

Theoretically , everybody needs a trailer , sooner of later ... :thinking:

Re: Thrifty Alternatives ... Building Foam TDs

PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 11:51 pm
by atahoekid
GPW wrote: Other places have different disaster scenarios , that may have different EVAC and living needs ... But just having it (the “toy” Foamie )has gone a Loooong way in helping the wife deal with the idea and stresses of EVAC... Security blanket trailer ... :rainy:

So for now the “toy” foamie patiently sits in the driveway , ready to be loaded up and hit the road .... depending which way the wind blows ... :roll: :frightened: :beer:

Theoretically , everybody needs a trailer , sooner of later ... :thinking:

Funny you should mention that... last night we had an earthquake up here (nothing major, no damage) just enough to rattle your nerves and remind you that this is earthquake country. So the wife and I started talking about keeping the trailer loaded and ready for a quick getaway in the event of a major EQ or a wildfire. I didn't really build with that intention in mind but it sure makes sense. Leave some non-perishable food, water, clothing and tools all loaded up, throw in the pets and the valuable possessions and be on your way. Be glad it's light and somewhat aerodynamic because you may have to drive a bit before you top off the fuel tank in the TV.

Unfortunately I hear something is brewing in the Gulf. Hopefully, for you, nothing comes of it. Fingers are crossed, prayers are said...

Re: Thrifty Alternatives ... Building Foam TDs

PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 12:03 am
by Wolffarmer
Lucky dog, you had an earth quake. Some day I would like to be in one. While I am on a rather flat hunk of ground and not in a building. The 1959 Yellowstone quake almost got me. A week before the quake we camped in the camp ground that was buried when a mount side fell on it. Then when we had the Challis quake here in Idaho back in 1983 ( or so ) I was in sugar beet harvest driving my tractor. Didn't feel a thing. I didn't know about it until I went to the beet dump about 6 hours later.

Oh well


Re: Thrifty Alternatives ... Building Foam TDs

PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 4:58 am
by GPW
Earthquakes :o Now that’s scary to me ... :frightened:
Every year ~ June 1 , the wife already has a bag packed , all the important papers in s sealed 5 gal. bucket ... Ready to go ... We’re very practiced at this ... We have at least a dozen places we can go across the country to stay , just depends on which way the wind blows ... :roll: While Hurricane EVAC is normally a 3 day trip , Katrina kept us away for 6 weeks ... That was a challenge,everybody being prepared for only 3 days ... :shock:

Re: Thrifty Alternatives ... Building Foam TDs

PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 9:12 am
by Wobbly Wheels
I was hoping to see one of your works of art come to life

Ever since GPW posted that drawing, I've been thinking about it for the next one (oh yes, there will be another...). It's the Vette nose that got me too - a couple dark tinted windows in there....
I'm thinking of a narrower trailer and wheel wells instead of fenders to give it some 'hips'.
Got to get this one done first though...

Talking about the evac thing...Ever since I was in the forces when I was younger, I've always kept my pack loaded and ready to go - it's the most convenient way to keep your gear together. Last night the flint in my Zippo died. I went to the junk drawer for another and, after rummaging for a few minutes I went to my pack, dug out the repair kit and voila, I had a fresh one: right where it was supposed to be. I still haven't found the rest of them...
A little OT, but I needed the Zippo to light the smoker:
Mmmm...smoked chicken...

I want to keep the trailer loaded as well, not so much for evac but because I will use it more if I can just hitch up and go. When I get home from work on a Friday night, the last thing I want to do is schlep a bunch of plastic totes full of gear up from the basement.....I couldn't imagine weather (well, that and horrendous mismanagement) keeping us out of our house for six weeks. All things considered, it showed how ppeople tend to come together in a crisis rather than turning on one another: maybe there's hope for us yet :lol:

Re: Thrifty Alternatives ... Building Foam TDs

PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 10:15 am
by GPW
Six weeks was rather a Looooooong time , being only prepared for 3 days .... Long story ... Had to be very “creative” ... that and the wife just shopped her way through the incident :roll: ... Odd seeing National Guard (Armed) guarding the Wal-Mart ... Like in one of those movies ... :frightened:
If I had a Trailer then ,it would have been like a vacation ... sorta’ ! Easier anyway , Much Easier !!! Getting away from everyone else was the problem , privacy, a million of we Fools on the road , in the stores , just everywhere... and the locals didn’t much care for our presence , unless we were spending ... :twisted: Now I’ve also learned NOT to watch the evolving disaster on TV ... that only made things worse ... Those poor houses (80%) , those poor people who couldn’t leave , shipped off to parts unknown , seemingly forever ... we’re still missing about 25% of our previous population ... although you can’t tell by all the traffic... Only ones left now are the strong of will (re-build) and the criminals ... we do still have the highest Murder rate in the country , but oddly enough it’s only a select few murdering other select few... (teenagers) Scary !!! :frightened:

W2 , I picked up a tip on a cooking show that said you shouldn’t add the BBQ sauce till the end , because the sugar in it burns easily ... tried it , liked it !!! :thumbsup:

Re: Thrifty Alternatives ... Building Foam TDs

PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 10:42 am
by Wobbly Wheels
...those poor people who couldn’t leave , shipped off to parts unknown , seemingly forever ... we’re still missing about 25% of our previous population...

I saw that on the doc 'Trouble the Waters', though IIRC the only followups they showed were the ones that went well. I can imagine that there was a lot more tension between the hosting families and the people who lost so much. I can't imagine the stress that puts on a person, especially when you're told time and time again that emergency plans and supports are in place.
And yeah, it seems that it's always the rats and the roaches that return first.

I don't use BBQ sauce in the smoker, but on the grill I put it on after cooking while the meat is resting for the same reason. On burgers, the sauce goes into the patties while I'm mixing them. On the smoker though, the meat is just brined and smoked. My favorite so far is these chicken thighs...though the 2 tenderloins I did Friday night didn't last either !

Re: Thrifty Alternatives ... Building Foam TDs

PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 12:00 pm
by GPW
Chicken thighs ... That’s exactly what I’m cooking for Lunch ... YUMMY !!! :thumbsup:

Strange , nobody here wants to talk about it any more , but when they first got back , Everybody was swapping Evac stories ... Grocery checkout lines were notorious for stories , most any gathering prompted all manner of tales ... Total strangers blabbing away ... :? Guess it was cathartic ... :thinking:

Re: Thrifty Alternatives ... Building Foam TDs

PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 12:28 pm
by Wobbly Wheels
Chicken thighs ... That’s exactly what I’m cooking for Lunch ...

Hehe...another hour on the smoke and these will be done. We're heading out this afternoon to shoot skeet with some good friends we haven't seen in a long time and these ones are coming along for lunch, with some of those thin Triscuits, a pot of potato salad, and some refreshments (booze-free, of course).