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Re: Thrifty Alternatives ..Building Foam Campers

PostPosted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 5:30 am
by GPW
Computer key problem ..... It could possibly be Dirt collected under the key that causes intermittent operation .... we had that a while back , and bought a new keyboard (USB) ... You may trying some compressed air on the keyboard , try to blow the dirt out ... That works sometimes .. :thinking:

Re: Thrifty Alternatives ..Building Foam Campers

PostPosted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 12:50 pm
by Wolffarmer
Should be able to remove the keyboard to work on it better. I use to take Dell portables apart for a living. If not then get an external KB of some type and be done with it.

I also find it very hard to type on a portable. Not what I am use to and I am not going to get use to it. :fb :fb

Re: Thrifty Alternatives ..Building Foam Campers

PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 12:40 am
by Wobbly Wheels
tpstorey wrote:I'm slogging my way through this thread determined to read the whole thing.

Reading this thread is a bit like building: you keep rolling along taking one bite at a time, sometimes you want to hang it up for a while and sometimes you want to skip ahead...
Sometimes it feels like you're flying along and sometimes it's a push to make any progress at all.
At the end of it, that feeling of accomplishment can't be beat !

Although (just like this thread) these trailers are never really 'done' until you start working on the next one....

:lol: :lol:

Re: Thrifty Alternatives ..Building Foam Campers

PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 6:25 am
by GPW
“ these trailers are never really 'done' until you start working on the next one.... “ That’s true eh !!! :thumbsup:

Re: Thrifty Alternatives ..Building Foam Campers

PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 6:34 am
by dales133
Uh huh

Re: Thrifty Alternatives ..Building Foam Campers

PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 6:42 am
by KCStudly
Great simile!

The trick to getting it done is to keep working on it! :thumbsup:

Re: Thrifty Alternatives ..Building Foam Campers

PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 5:40 am
by GPW
The Real trick to getting it done is to build it in the Simple Foamie manner as originally conceived .. :roll:

Re: Thrifty Alternatives ..Building Foam Campers

PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 10:23 am
by tpstorey

I heard there was a prize. Is there a prize?
Best things about reading the thread: You can read it at your own pace. There is a TON of information. It was always there with more to discover. :D

Worst things about reading the thread: Mary never used the iron. You can't respond no matter how brilliant a thought you might have. Many links are broken. Now I have to wait for new posts. :(

At the risk of repeating, here is my introduction from the newbie section:

Newbie from St. Louie
Actually we St. Louisans never call it "St. Louie", but I couldn't pass up the bad ryhme. :)

Married 32 years with two grown boys. Wife went tent camping once and said, "Never again." She's very picky about comfort...especially for sleep. Boys and I camped till they reached that age where they prefered doing things with people their own age. Thinking about trying to get the wife interested again and started looking at various rv options, but they were all too expensive. I was about to give up, and then...

We were watching a show called "Home Free". Wife saw the teardrops the contestants were living in while rehabbing houses and said, "Those look really cozy. We should get one of those." :twisted:

Thus began the mad research that landed me here. Just in the thinking stage at this point. A lot has to happen before I can even begin building. Live in a tight neighborhood in the city... no garage...not even a driveway. :NC Going to need to concrete a section of the backyard to build and store. Probably won't happen till spring at this point.

Have been reading the site and making notes for about a month now. Really appreciate all the friendly info and complete lack of drama on here.

Little more about myself: Biggest past hobby is rc planes. I see several on here with that interest. I got in early on the electric scene. Discovered blue fanfold foam and went crazy with it for years helping others discover how inexpensive and useful it is. In fact, one of my handles is "bluefoamfanatic". This, of course, led me to the foamie section, and I plan for mine to be at least a hybrid if not a full fledged foamie. Wife will have opinions about the interior at least.

Anyway, glad to find you all, and the help I have already received. Looking forward to the adventure. :wine:

Re: Thrifty Alternatives ..Building Foam Campers

PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 2:52 pm
by ghcoe
Welcome Tim.

Not sure if you have read my build or not. RC'ing with foam planes in the way back is what sold me on these foamies as soon as I saw them. I knew it could be done, I had already built a few foamie planes and knew they could take the punishment. Looking forward to your take on a build. See you on the forum. :thumbsup:

Re: Thrifty Alternatives ..Building Foam Campers

PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 6:43 pm
by GPW
Just like building planes really ... except we don't have to be as weight conscious ... 8)

Re: Thrifty Alternatives ..Building Foam Campers

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 2:01 pm
by Mary C
Congratulations!!!!!! :R he read the whole thing!!!! :wine: :wine: :wine: :applause: :applause: :applause: :thumbsup: :wine: :wine: :wine: :tip :lol: :lol: :lol:
One of these days I will make a something to give to those who finish but you might have to take a test..............

Louella did nt use the iorn but I did. Got it too hot and added a perfect melt to the inside of my door. just barely shows the outline of the iorn.

Of course you learned the main idea ......Thrifty! I t is like a challenge for some in both ways, just being able to build and for the others who could buy one it is a challenge to build without all the fancy tools and specialized products. Love to watch the doubters and naysayers at the campouts eyes get wide and and suddenly they are truly interested and asking all sorts of questions. one fellow confessed he thought it couldn't be done at all, a real stickler for wood and a purest. I came twice as far and have been traveling a lot( three trips to Texas. 5 campouts). I simly stated I had to have a place to sleep when traveling and I loved to camp, I had very little money and hardly any tools and was physically comprimised,(I can't lift a piece of plywood) building this way worked for me. and it was fun.
Good luck with your Build! We are watching you! 8) :R
Mary C

Mary C.

Re: Thrifty Alternatives ..Building Foam Campers

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 3:15 pm
by dhawktx
Okay, you sucked me in too! I drifted over here from looking for additional options as far as insulation and mods were concerned. I was evaluating the possibility of getting/making a standie when I found the Foamies... now I'm reading through several of the Foamie threads but have a quick question: I recently saw a video where a Titebond rep explained that TBII is water resistant but TBIII is waterproof - have you guys moved on to TBIII or are you still advocating TBII?

Thanks in advance!

Re: Thrifty Alternatives ..Building Foam Campers

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 3:29 pm
by dales133
From my understanding tb3 dosnt like sticking to its self once cured witch makes it dificult to use when your gluing up in stages

Re: Thrifty Alternatives ..Building Foam Campers

PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 6:49 am
by GPW
RE TB2: My friend had guitars made with TB2 soak in Katrina floodwaters for several weeks , nothing came apart ... Good enough for me ...!!! We tried TB3 and really preferred the TB 2(TWO) .... JMHO ...
Donna, Welcome to the Foamling family ... !!! 8)

Mary , you did Great !!!! That’s all anybody needs, eh ? :thumbsup: 8) :applause:

Re: Thrifty Alternatives ..Building Foam Campers

PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 3:19 pm
by dhawktx
Thank you both for the feedback! 8)

I'm really excited to find the Foamie side of the Force!

Due to events of the last few years, I'm looking at getting a vehicle that I can live out of, most likely a cargo or passenger van. I had just about resigned myself to the discomfort of a standard height van (I have bad knees) because a fiberglass 'Hi-top' generally runs $2000 to $3000. When I came across the Foamie pages I realized that this technique and building material could be used to make an insulated Hi-Top for a van... :twisted:

Then I realized it could also be used for making any number of things to help extend the living space of the van when I'm parked in a campground or boondocking. Can't wait to read the main threads and start planning!


PS - after reading earlier posts I thought y'all might be interested in this. Google Books has old Popular Mechanics magazines back to 1923. The earliest one includes instructions for refurbishing a canvas covered canoe so that it can last... up to 25 years!

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