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Re: Penguino II

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 4:00 pm
by Mary C
Wow!! seems you have been busy building while I was not looking, It is looking really good. I still hope to get to meet you when I get out to your area. I have that marked on my OUT WEST get away schedule for two days . I cannot go till 2016 because I had so much happen this past year. but it will give me time to really recover and plan better!!!

Mary C.

Re: Penguino II

PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 8:11 pm
by Catherine+twins
I just realized that I never posted a picture of the Penguino II Bunk House. Here it is with dear daughter on the top bunk. A camper this size will always be a tight squeeze for three, and as you can see, the sleeper on the right will have to go in last, but it is VERY camp-able.
This is the camp cot I bought last Christmas, but on sale. :D ... d+camp+cot


Re: Penguino II

PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 12:46 am
by S. Heisley
Mary C wrote:Wow!! seems you have been busy building while I was not looking, It is looking really good.

Mary C.

+1 :thumbsup:

Re: Penguino II

PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 6:43 am
by GPW
:thumbsup: 8) :applause: Well done !!! 

Re: Penguino II Goes Camping

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 8:44 pm
by Catherine+twins
Bandelier National Monument had a dark-sky astronomy night 8/22/15. In fact, the ranger talked about parks around the country offering dark sky nights to get people away from the light pollution we don't even think about in our towns and cities. Anyway, obviously by the time it is dark enough to look at stars and planets and the clouds that insist on getting in front of them, the star-watchers are getting tired, yawning a lot, and not looking forward to driving home again.

Dear daughter was my partner for this star-watching expedition. When I proposed making it a camping trip, dear stick-in-the-mud son offered to stay with his grandfather. :lol: So with only two of us camping, I tucked the third cot under the bunks. The picture doesn't show it, but later we moved our camp chairs in on the open side. It made changing our clothes easier, and DD read her book for a while and I played a couple of games of solitaire on my tablet.
Here is our camp site, on the Albert Squirrel Loop in Juniper Campground. It doesn't look like it, but the camper is level. I have a little bubble level in the cabin.
Here's DD reading her book before it was dark enough to look at stars.
And, since we were camping, I HAD to make waffle dogs in the morning. :D

Catherine :wine:

Re: Penguino II

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 6:19 am
by GPW
That looks like great FUN !!! It’s amazing what you can see in a really dark sky ... 8) And that’s only a little bit of what’s out there in our cosmic neighborhood (Laniakea) ... Kinda makes one feel very small eh !!! ... :o

Re: Penguino II

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 9:28 pm
by S. Heisley
So, you two got in a little "girl time" and your son and his dad got in a little "guy time". ...Perfect. We all need that once in a while; and, if you can do it where you can try to count the stars, so much the better! With just the two of you, the trailer looks nice and roomy and it still works when there are three of you! :thumbsup:

Re: Penguino II

PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 7:05 am
by Catherine+twins
LOL When they were little I used to refer to this sort of thing as "only child" time. It was hard to come by when they both demanded so much of my time. Now I wish they were a little less independent. :roll:


Re: Penguino II

PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 7:06 pm
by Shar
Building some wonderful memories. :)

Re: Penguino II

PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 9:01 pm
by Catherine+twins
We went camping again over the long weekend. This time dear son went with us, although he didn't participate much. I got him away from his computer, and he did a lot of reading for his "recreational reading" class, both still good things. With all three of us we made a few adjustments. There's no way I can have the twins both in the bunk bed. The top bunk is always getting poked and bumped and such (classic bunk bed stuff!). I took the bottom bunk and actually slept better than I have in a long time on my own cot. It turns out my cot has a saggy bit just at hip level, because it folds up, and that saggy bit seems to have been irritating my chronic sore hip. The non-folding cot is solid across there, and I sleep and wake up much more comfortably. Well, I sleep well. But I like to get up at dawn, more or less, and since I am now on the least-accessable bunk, the person in the solo cot has to get up, too. Eh, they'll get used to it. :lol:
We did figure out how to move around in the cabin. My old camp cot folds up, so we leave the sleeping bag on it and fold it up against the wall. A camp chair becomes the "changing room" (you have to sit to get dressed) and also holds the cot in place. It also makes a good reading chair, if someone isn't interested in the camp activities. :roll:
Now, I just have to add that before we left town on Friday, dear daughter helped me skin and slice a few tomatoes to put in the dehydrator, so they wouldn't go bad before we got home again.
These are the ones we picked this afternoon when we got home.
Oh, and both cats were thrilled to see us, but Maui held still to have his picture taken. 8)


Re: Penguino II

PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 9:10 pm
by Catherine+twins
Oh, I have to show you "Man Cave Mode" in the Penguino II. 8)


It's a bit far from the WIFI, but there's a table for his portable (car) DVD player, or book, or snacks, and of course there is the bunk (top, of course).


Re: Penguino II

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 12:09 am
by Shar
Very resourceful! Thanks for sharing these details.

Re: Penguino II

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 6:15 am
by KCStudly
Happy cat. :thumbsup:

Re: Penguino II

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 8:48 am
by GPW
Catherine , looks like you have everything well sorted ... :thumbsup: 8) FUN !!! :D

Re: Penguino II

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 9:24 am
by Wolffarmer
A lot better sorted than my rig looked when I left Burning Man yesterday. But at least it was all the same color. The color of light brown dust.