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Camping and Food Poll...

PostPosted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 6:06 pm
by caseydog
When I go camping, I love to cook good food fresh over a fire, on a grill, or on the camp stove.

I don't have a microwave oven in my TD, and don't bring canned or otherwise pre-prepared foods. That would just feel funny to me.

So, how about the rest of you?

There is no right or wrong about this, just different tastes. So, cast your vote.

If you do both, vote for the one that you prefer, or that you do most often.


PostPosted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 6:13 pm
by chorizon
I believe that fresh food, no matter how simple the recipe tastes 100X better outdoors. We usually end up eating stuff we normally wouldn't, like big hunks of meat in steak form. And breakfast tacos that I make myself. Ingredients are usually simple; meat, potatoes, a salad of some sort. Throw in some choice spices and we've created an outdoor feast! I'll be trying out my recently acquired DO at some point, so that we can add that dynamic to our outdoor experience. I'm pretty stoked about it, actually!

PostPosted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 7:24 pm
by JayM
We prefer to use fresh when we can, and I am partial to a good steak cooked over a nice bed of coals. We don't usually pack a lot of food, though, and like to shop at produce stands and tailgate markets if possible. We do sometime use frozen vegetables and just wrap them in foil and throw on the grill. We also like to chop potatoes and onions and cook them in foil in the coals. Also, apples cored and packed with brown sugar, cinnamon, and butter in foil and cooked in the coals are a favorite in the fall, and grilled fruit like peaches or nectarines in the summer.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 7:30 pm
by Ageless
I would say 80% is from scratch, but I will carry things such as mushroom soup, canned beans, etc. Sometimes I won't even cook as a huge bowl of salad will suffice.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 8:19 pm
by Gary and Cheri
I might make Chili at home, but mainly because I like it better when it has been rewarmed the second time. Some foods just taste better the second time around. Otherwise fresh is the way to go.


PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 1:17 am
by bobhenry

Hearty stew



Breakfast cassarole


Boat load of biscuits for B's & G's


Monster meat loaf




Scrambled eggs with peppers and cheese ,a big hamburger steak, cold milk and tomatoe juice


Hot Bread


PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 2:48 am
by Gage
Hey CD, you left out Everyone else’s. :lol:

PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 6:35 am
by len19070
I don't know how to answer that.

I guess it all depends on weather I'm Camping alone or with a group.

I make all home made dishes when Camping but very often I do a lot of Prep work at home.

Especially if I'm cooking for a bunch of people.

I use Zip-Lock bags a lot.

Marinading, If I have a lot of veggies or whatever to chop up for say a big pot of soup, chili, Corned Beef & Cabbage etc.

I'll bake potatoes at home and dice them and some onions/peppers for Home Fries.

Often I have put leftovers from a meal at home or a meal prepared while camping in Zip-lock bags and prepared it Boil-in-bag style later.

And I always plan a meal that will have leftovers. i.e. leftovers from a Steak dinner Friday will make sandwiches on Saturday.

The left overs from that big pot of mashed Potatoes one night will go in a Zip-lock bag and will be a side dish another night or be made into Potato Pancakes.

Leftover mixed veggies from a Thursday dinner may make it into Soup for Saturday.

But the one and only Canned Food that is a Must, at least once on a Camping Trip is SPAM.

I know its bad for you but I only have it every now and them.

My kids would say they knew they were going Camping when they saw the Spam & Cheez its being packed.

Happy Trails


PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 9:25 am
by planovet
I prefer cooking fresh stuff but sometimes we do bring some quick snack to throw into the microwave if time is short. There are also times where we cook fresh at home, freeze it and then re-heat it at the campsite. That works too. :thumbsup:

PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 11:55 am
by S. Heisley
Because my camp food supplies are also a part of my emergency preparedness plan, I use them when I go camping by myself so that I can rotate supplies to be certain they don't get too old. I always have canned soups and stews on hand and lots of peanut butter.

When I go camping with my step family, I usually prepare most the meats ahead of time (spareribs, meatballs, etc.) and freeze the cooked meat before I put it in the cooler. That way, there is less danger of food poisoning and everything stays cool longer. I assemble and finish cooking it at the campsite. This also helps save on the amount of propane needed on a camping trip. If anything is taken without cooking or is susceptible to more rapid deterioration, it is cooked and eaten during the first days of camping. :Flippin Burger:

PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 1:30 pm
by 05liberty
We cook fresh for every meal , bbq :Flippin Burger: coleman stove & fire :campfire:
90% of our camping is boondocking / backwoods so no microwave for us

PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 3:01 pm
by caseydog
I guess my poll option 2 was too narrowly worded, but it had to be brief.

Cooking from scratch is sometimes going to use some canned ingredients, such as canned tomatoes or beans for homemade chili. Opening a can of Hormel Chili and heating it in a bowl in the Microwave would, obviously, not be cooking from scratch.

And, I often prep my ingredients at home, and put them in plastic containers to take camping, where I combine them when I cook. I consider that cooking from scratch, too.


PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 5:49 pm
by notned
A mix of pre-packaged and scratch, but I think my wife likes it best when we eat out.

Stone Soup

PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 6:46 pm
by EvilScotsman
Well for me while travelling the RenFest circuit its a mix of pre-packaged and scratch. My favorite is Stone Soup ,..basically everyone has a little something leftover just before shopping day or toward end of run or what-have-you,..we all kind of congregte towards someones fire or coleman,...usually looking to see who else is low on food,...we mix it all together in a stewpot,..a little left-over beef from a BBQ dinner,..a can of corn,... some basil or oregano,..all of it just tossed into stewpot and cooked together. It is great for when you are low on food because usually so are others in camp,..a great communal meal and good way to meet new people. :shake hands:

PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:26 pm
by 2bits
I think part of the camping experience (to me) is to spend your time outdoors, stirring the pot, cutting the veggies, just taking it easy breezy preparing the food. It all depends on what your goal of camping is I guess. I have yet to do any cooking at my site, or light a fire at my site, shoot even sit down at the table at my site! I am always at the group spot, but that's what I would "Like" to get out of camping and how I would like to spend my time if I was camping alone.