Should we talk about homeless shelters on this forum?

A place to talk about homeless shelters, design and construction. (No politics)

Re: Should we talk about homeless shelters on this forum?

Postby S. Heisley » Sat Jul 16, 2022 7:10 pm

friz wrote:It's great in theory. We have multiple resources for homeless in our little town. The issue has been for us, when you place rules on your shelter site, the homeless go back under the bridge. We do have a soup kitchen so at least they can get a hot meal once a day.

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It's true. Some people do not want to be in a homeless shelter. At a homeless camp in Chico, CA, some interviewed by a reporter said they prefer not to have to abide by rules and also prefer to go down near a creek or river to live, even if the shelters have heat and a/c. Still, some will see it as a step up and will accept the rules and the help that comes with it all.

I don't see it as a "one answer fits all" It may take several ideas and solutions plus it may also depend on the climate. All any of us can do is keep trying to find answers that help.
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Re: Should we talk about homeless shelters on this forum?

Postby JasenC » Tue Aug 09, 2022 6:54 pm

It's a complex issue, I know around Seattle there are many many homeless, often the motorhomers, that aren't there by choice and go to work everyday like the rest of us, they just can't afford rent, get passed a rental credit check or can't make the down payment and deposit.
Some prefer their freedoms over shelter rules.
Seattle tried some tiny homes but after a number of stabbings, rapes, shootings and drug dealing they abandoned the idea.
There are so many people that live right on the edge, it only takes one visit to the ER, an abscessed tooth, broke down car, a slow down at work and they can't make rent.
And then there's the mental illness of many homeless.
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Re: Should we talk about homeless shelters on this forum?

Postby catsmith » Sat Jan 21, 2023 10:51 am

JasenC wrote:There are so many people that live right on the edge, it only takes one visit to the ER, an abscessed tooth, broke down car, a slow down at work and they can't make rent.
And then there's the mental illness of many homeless.

This is so true. Being one (fill in the blank) away from homeless is a very real thing. Being a veteran, (32 years in uniform and civil service) I know of a few right now that are living out of their vehicle. One with kids. They are hard working people that hit rough patches and could not make enough to stay in a rental. With the economy the way it is now, it is going to get worse.

Mental issues in the veteran community is a real thing. I have seen it all. One man I served with fell off the radar and we could not find him. Next we heard he turned up nude in the chow hall at Little Rock Air Force Base. Not sure where he is now or if he got some help.

All this is to is bumping around in my mind........ Is there a way to help set up people living in their vehicle to make their life easier. The nomad community out there has some excellent ideas. Maybe I should start a new thread?
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Re: Should we talk about homeless shelters on this forum?

Postby Cindy » Sat Jul 01, 2023 8:53 am

This is Cindy, I haven't posted on this forum in a long time. I have a plan for homeless shelters that would be built on the incline area under the road. Kind of a bird house idea made level with just enough room to sleep and have your stuff. It would have a door that they could lock with a lock. A 4 lane road could hold 16 of them on one side and 16 on the other side. It would be loud but suitable for one person to be safe at night and keep their stuff safer. What do you think?
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