I just revisited this thread since I (really a deer) totaled my '21 Hyundai Kona EV. I remembered a few comments about hybrids so I thought I would review the comments.
My wife would prefer a plug in hybrid (PHEV) to an EV. Well I tried in vane to find a good used one and then searched new. They seem to be east and west coast vehicles and the shipping charges are prohibitive. I tried my best to locate a late model Ford Escape PHEV in the Midwest. So though I know that an ICE tow vehicle makes more sense I am back in search of an EV. Besides, we already have a capable ICE car that is a great tow vehicle. I just want to continue with an EV since I installed a solar array to power it around town (20 miles/day ish).
I missed out on the $7500 tax credit on my EV in '22 as I only had a tax liability to take about $2000 of credit. If I was smart I would have created a bigger tax liability by moving some money out of a regular IRA and converting to a Roth IRA. But that's another topic for another forum. The limits on credits are much tighter going forward (rightly so since they are mainly on US assembled/built cars, trucks and batteries). After some research I probably can't qualify for any credit new or used due to the prices of new being more than I would care to spend and the prices of used eliminating all of the late model vehicles (must be over two years old and under $25K). It is tempting to go for a new, credit qualifying EV since it is supposed to be a "instant" credit off the purchase from the dealer in 2024. But I really don't want to be that guy that takes that instant hit on value as I drive it off the lot. Shiny and new are great unless that bothers you. And that really bothers me!
The good... I paid just over $27k for my Kona EV in May of '22. My insurance settlement was $26k with tax and title reimbursement so I have a nice start on a down payment for another car. It will be an EV fer sure. What did Einstein say about insanity???

The Kona was a great car and pulled my foamie with no problem. Er, well, see my previous posts and decide for yourself if there was a problem