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PostPosted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 9:27 pm
by Jiminsav
oh hellllll yeah..i went last week just to refresh my memory of the way there.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 9:56 pm
by Frank
Well folks, don't look like we will be able to come. Linda has a real bad cold with a lot of congestion, the doctor told her if she went she could easyly come down with new monia. So site 45 is available if anyone wants it. It is a double next to the restroom. Let me know will be canceling tomorow night if don't hear something. HAVE FUN ALL.

Frank & Linda

PostPosted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 10:28 pm
by harldydodge1
Frank and Linda;
I'm sorry Linda isn't feeling well and ya'll are not able to make the trip.
I would like to have the spot if not taken yet. I have sent you a PM.
Let me know. Not sure if the PM whent though call me at 256-426-6056
I see you are an electrican, so am. I also see that you are into streetrods,so am I. Here's a picture of mine. Anyway let me know on the site you will have to call me as I will be on the road Thursday.

Thanks: Keith

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 1:13 pm
by Dan
We hope everyone had a great time this year. Jane & I did - despite the rain. And we certainly enjoyed talking to EVERYONE - the new ones and the old ones (no pun intended).

Also we enjoyed the tour around the loop to look at everyone's Tear. There were a lot of nice ones.

And Thanks again to Debbie for her left over cake!

Sid & Side - Hope we have encouraged you enough to keep thinking about the National Parks seasonal work.

And finely - Thanks to Dave & Marsha for the use of their site for the Pot Luck Dinner :thumbsup:

Dan & Jane

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 5:41 pm
by David Niver
We made it back ok again.
Thanks to Frank and Linda for the spot and hope you get better Linda.
Had a great time, thanks for helping me set up and take down of the camp.
Hope to be healed by Dec.
Great to meet the new folks and see more new tears.
David and Marsha
:wine party:

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 6:35 pm
Great friends, food and gathering as usual. Christmas at the beach next up. Rained all the way home.

Fall Carwl Pictures.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 7:03 pm
by montanablue
Debbie and I had a great time at the Fall Crawl. There were lots of new friends and again the food was really great. We won't tell everything that happened. You will have to come next year to see for yourself how much fun you can have.

Here are some pictures of the dinner, we hope you enjoy them:


PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 8:41 pm
by mrainey
Alice and I are just getting started with teardrops, so we jumped at the chance to meet up with a whole crowd of old hands. What a great bunch of people you are! You helped us find a campsite in a "full" campground, you showed us some truly amazing examples of craftsmanship and innovation, you filled our stomachs with great food, and you filled our ears with great stories.

You made us feel really welcome, and we had a ball!

Mike and Alice

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 9:58 pm
by Chip
Honie I am HOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and a fine time was had by all,,, Rain,,, cool weather,, sunshine,,, warm days,,, outstanding food again,, good friends new and old,,,,,,, and a few stories to tell,,,,

Roy good to meet ya and thanks fer the ride,,,, awsome bike thar bud,,, :awesome:
I cant say enough about this trip,,, it was just about perfect,,, and as usual all the great folks made it turn out the way it did,,,

Frank & Linda,, Gail and Bill we missed yall but there will be another trip,,

Looking forward to the next one already,,,,,,

chipper :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 8:00 am
by rpowell
I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for being so friendly and really making us feel welcome. Ellie and I had a great time and we are ready for the next trip.

Reggie and Ellie

PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 8:24 am
by SkipperSue
I wanted to come but I just couldn't get out of being on call from work. One of us maintenance guys had surgery a couple of weeks ago and so he's out of the on call list for awhile, so I'm on call every other week now. :x :x The timeing just wasn't on my side this time. :cry: Looks like yall had a fine time in all the pictures there, I'll be in them soon! :D

PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 9:18 am
by Psychohillbilly
Hey it worked. I tried logging in in AOL
:frustrated: and it wouldn't work i'm now logged
in on Internet Explorer and it works (go figure) anyway I made it home
safe. I had a great time and you all made me feel so welcome. Looking
forward to Fla. in Feb.
Great job. :applause:
:peace: Chuck

PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 9:38 am
by sid
Mark and I made it home about 6:00 last night and after we made up with the cat (she has sorta forgiven us by this morning), emptied the jeep so we could go pick up the dog (who is much more forgiving and always happy to see us) from her sleepover, we were pretty pooped.

We had a great time meeting everyone, sharing stories and jokes around the fire. It was really interesting going around seeing all the fine workmanship in the different tears, and the food on Saturday night was wonderful. So, thanks to everyone for the fine weekend at October's end - we hope to see you all again somewhere down the road!

Hey Jane and Dan - I looked up that web site last night (I wasn't too tired for that!) We have it set up in "favorite places" and will continue doing our research - thanks for the insight - you two are our heros!

PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 11:43 am
by gailkaitschuck
Sounds like a good time was had by all!

The pictures are great!

Saturday afternoon as I'm balancing 8 feet up in the air on scaffolding (I'm afraid of heights!) holding one end of a 16 foot piece of siding that's being nailed back into place, I utter the following words...

"I REALLY wish we were at the Fall Crawl right now!"


PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 10:21 pm
by Ross Wade
Another fine TearJerker gathering has gone by the way side. As we have always is not the place, it's the people. Thanks again for everyone who attended. We had a total of 18 teardrops and 5 tenters.

Ross and Carla