KIVU Coffee from IRG1.0 Revisted... (Kopi Luwak)

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KIVU Coffee from IRG1.0 Revisted... (Kopi Luwak)

Postby Dean in Eureka, CA » Wed Nov 15, 2006 6:28 pm

Remember that stuff???
The rare and very expensive coffee form a certain island in Sumatra. You know... the kind where this little critter comes along, eats the ripe coffee berry, then poops out the intack bean, at which time, locals gather the beans from the forest floor. Yeap!!! that's the stuff, it's said that the digestive system of the critter starts a fermentaion proccess on the coffee bean, which enhances the flavor of the coffee, giving it a unique flavor unlike any other coffee in the whole entire world. BINGO!!!

Remember Carl and Lori?...
Carl was the Tolowa Indian that gave a talk about his tribe and even sang us an Indian song. :lol: (You had to be there)
Yeap... They were the ones that brought that special coffee to the IRG!!! :applause:

Well... :o
Joanie and I took a mini vacation, along with my kids, up into the Southern coastal area of Oregon this past weekend.
We hooked up with Carl and Lori for a short visit along the way in Smith River, CA
I've been itchin' all these months to get my hands on some more of that stuff, so I asked them where they bought it.
Lori told me where I could get it while in Oregon and she also told me something else... :o

Turns out...
It was just another one of their practical jokes they pulled on us!!! :lol:
She told me to buy a regular blend of this brand and add in a touch of Carmel Swirl Blend. (Remember that fermented chocolate taste we were tasting at the IRG???)
I came home with a bunch of Kona Blend and some Carmel Swirl Blend from KIVU Coffee Company, headquartered in Portland Oregon. (We bought it at the Fred Meyer Store in Brookings, Oregon)
I've been enjoying it very much this past week, but I gotta say...
Although the tatse is exactly like I remember at the IRG, it just doesn't seem to have the same magic that it did in the redwoods. :lol:

Welp... I guess I can still look forward to trying the real deal someday. :thinking:
Last edited by Dean in Eureka, CA on Thu Nov 16, 2006 3:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Podunkfla » Wed Nov 15, 2006 8:42 pm

Hey Dean... Just in case you want to try the real Kopi Luwak coffee... Here's a good link:

I've had it and it's actually darn good coffee... Although,
I've tried others I like a lot better that aren't "processed"
through an animal. :shock:
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Postby Dean in Eureka, CA » Wed Nov 15, 2006 11:33 pm

Thanks for that awesome link!!! :thumbsup:
Whoa... for $160.00 you can get a pound of the stuff and an authentic luwak turd, or pay $40.00 more and get that turd encased in plastic.
What a deal! :lol:
Hey at that price, we just gotta get some for the '08 IRG2.0!!! :thumbsup:
That critter looks just like a cat whacked out on caffeine. :lol:
OK... You've tasted it and say it's good...
Please decribe the taste, I'm curious as hell to know what it tastes like!!!
In the meantime, I'll try to enjoy my fake kopi luwak poop coffee... I got about 10 lbs. on hand. :lol:

Kivu to luwak... I'm not gulable, just try to take people for their word. :?
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Postby Podunkfla » Thu Nov 16, 2006 12:03 am

Dean... The closest thing I can compare it to is Hawaiian Kona with some added kind of nutty flavor added? It was very smoothe with no bitterness at all even though it was brewed quite strong. Did I like it enough to pay what it costs? Not a chance... except for maybe a unique gift for someone I knew had everything and was hard to impress. I like to try quite a variety of coffees and really haven't found a clear favorite. Hawaiian Kona roasted kinda dark is way up there on my list though. :thumbsup:

Now, if you really want to get into this coffe thing... Look here:

And here:

You do NEED another hobby don't ya? :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Postby Dean in Eureka, CA » Thu Nov 16, 2006 1:53 am

Sounds like we got similar tastes...
Joanie took me to Kona three Christmas's ago and we checked out a small coffee plantation up on the side of the volcano, bought the beans right outta the roasting oven...
Best stuff I've ever had. :twisted:
I make my coffee way too strong by health standards I'm sure...
I grind about a cup of beans to make about two cups of coffee in a press.
I've ran out of coffee a couple of times and discovered that I can just add another dose of hot water into the press and get another couple of cups, if need be. :shock:

Would I be healthier giving it up?... For sure.
Have I considered it?.... Of course. (Every now and then for at least a few seconds anyway) :lol:
Someday I'll give it up, but right now it's my drug of choice and I do enjoy it...
I played pretty hard in my younger years and gave up the stuff that was gonna get me for sure, was even locked up once because of it. :o
I'm gonna get some of that Kopi Luwak stuff and the next time Carl and Lori come to visit... I'm gonna tell them, " Hey, wanna try some real good coffee I found?"... Then show them the Luwak turd right after they have had a cup! :lol: :rofl:
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Postby bledsoe3 » Thu Nov 16, 2006 2:14 am

Be sure and have a camera ready for their expressions.
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Postby Podunkfla » Thu Nov 16, 2006 2:33 am

Then show them the Luwak turd right after they have had a cup!

Now THAT'S funny! :rofl: :rofl2:

Those pix ought to be priceless... Yeah, I know what you mean. I don't drink or smoke funny cigarettes any more... I just about gave up red meat (overweight, heart problems). Ima borderline diabetic (there goes pies, cake, ice cream, candy) My sex life is about shot (too many heart meds)
Dangit, good coffee is about all I got left. ...and I ain't gonna give it up!
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Yep... I use a french press too. :thumbsup:
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Postby Dean in Eureka, CA » Thu Nov 16, 2006 2:59 am

The Luwak turd and beans should be here in about a week. :twisted:
Hey, I too have cut back on red meat, but I gotta tell yaa... I love the stuff and I really love putting the smoke to it. :twisted:
I use to eat steak three times a day back in the good 'ol days.
Right now I try to limit myself to once or twice a week, but once in a while it's like 3-4 times a week.
I also try to start each morning with a bowl of Cracklin' Oat Bran, it's the brillo pad of cereals. :lol:
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