"Miss Independence" Reno, Nv updated 4/23/10

...ask your questions in the appropriate forums BUT document your build here...preferably in a single thread...dates for updates, are appreciated....

Postby DMcCam » Mon Apr 05, 2010 10:41 am

Hey there Pam, most excellent start on your TD!!! We have got to have a meeting of the Northern Nevada Tear Drop Builders!

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Postby down under tech » Mon Apr 05, 2010 8:21 pm

DMcCam: I talked to Pam today and she came over to check out the "Silver Nugget". We will start a No. Nevada TD Builders club sometime in the future. Only builders are going to be admitted. TD build planners might get a complimentary visit pass if they show very good plans and are sure they want to try and tackle this type of endeavor. Now, now take it easy, Dave. I am just kidding, April Fools.

We do need to meet everyone here in the No. Nevada area. Got any ideas of when and where?
Johnny D.

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Postby DMcCam » Mon Apr 05, 2010 8:58 pm

Hey I resemble that remark! How about over coffee somewhere? In coming pm folks.

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Postby Pam M » Thu Apr 08, 2010 12:54 am

My "saga" continues...

My walls are up, but only for a very short while..... I put up the walls with Gorilla Glue (the toughest glue in the world) and screws. I then realized the floor sloped in the back and it was quite noticeable. I also noticed I mis calculated "again" and I was short 1/2" in wall legnth. If I only had one of the two issues I guess I could have fudged it a bit, but 2 issues I need to make it right.

I recommend Gorilla Glue for everything that you don't want to ever come apart ever, ever, ever again. I even Gorilla Glued the screws in my glasses after this experience. I should have videotaped and put on Utube, it would have been a great commercial for Gorilla Glue. But here is a picture of pretty walls.


I noticed the floor sloped on the rear where I paid a welder to weld on 2' to make my trailer a 5x10, it did not slope a little... it sloped ALOT. Initally I thought I could work around that and by the next morning I ripped off the walls. Then I realized the trailer chassis was not level, thus the floor was not level and I had no choice but had to rip off the linoleum to get to the recessed bolts under the linoleum through the deck bolted to the chassis.


I went to my favorite HD store and got a scraper to scrape off the linoleum, and it was going to take me years to do that job and I'm not a good detail person. I really just wanted to lay new linoleum over the old linoleum, but the prep work from the torn spots which I created would have taken just as long to pull up the linoleum. So this is a pic of the old linoleum almost off.


My strategy thus forward is to shim between the chassis and the deck almost 1" worth. Re linoleum and redo walls.

This project is very intriguing to me, even with the learning challenges I am facing. I did not know square and level were two different meanings. I might come off like I am a miss know it all, and confident as all get out, but trust me..., a better definition is "miss know nothing". I'm not scared of learning anything, and try try try try and try and try again, before I admits failure! :worship:

So only in this forum will I share my defeats, but to anyone else at HD or the neighbor next door, everything is wonderful and smells like roses! :roll:
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Postby StPatron » Thu Apr 08, 2010 1:31 am

Major bummer, Pam!

Just some thoughts,,,

How about taking the chassis back to the welder and having him level the extension? That's sloppy work and he really should fix it at no charge. Or, if you don't want to mess with that, is there someone in that group of Nevada teardrop builders with a welder that can help you? I'd aim for getting that extension level.

Shimming might work ok. If you could provide some measurements and pics for us, that would help.

Yeah, hindsight is 20/20 but you might want to consider posting here if you run into any more difficulties in the future. There's a wealth of experience just waiting to be tapped.
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Slopped Chassis

Postby down under tech » Thu Apr 08, 2010 6:48 am

Hi Pammy: I know we talked about your dilemma already, but I want to let you know I have a new Lincoln 180C 220V welder that I got and if you need help on the repair/redo of the poorly executed extension you can get ahold of me and I will see what your options are for the right fix for the frame/chassis. It is important to have your chassis level as you build your TD. If it is level to start with, everything will come into place with much less problems as the build processes. Build on sand and your house will fall down & build it on a solid foundation and it will stay there for a long time.

I have the temporary wall support braces that I used on my Cubby if you would like to use them when you put up your walls. This will ensure the walls are plumb when you put the next set up. You are welcome to borrow them. I can give you a hand sometime if you need "HELP".

I am a member of the No. Nevada Teardrop Builders Association. :lol:
Johnny D.

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Postby aggie79 » Thu Apr 08, 2010 8:06 am


My frame had a slight upward bow running lengthwise. I believe it was caused when my welder welded the axle brackets to the bottom of the frame.

Sometimes this can be cured with heat from a torch (by heating the opposite side of the bracket.) But, I don't have a torch, so I used a hydraulic jack and a 4x4 to "tweak" my frame back to straight.


Depending on where your frame is no longer straight, this technique might work for you.
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Postby sagebrush » Thu Apr 08, 2010 9:31 am

To bad about your frame :( OH well, life is a learning experience. If there are no missing body parts or fluid leaks anything else can be corrected. You just needed the practice right? :lol: Were to much under construction budget? :lol: Wanted to boost HD's lagging sales?
Linda (&Tom) Looking at the pic of your frame, its bow Was caused by welding the spring brackets. When metal is heated(welded) and cooled it shrinks. the thinner the metal is the more welding affects it. The best cure is heating the opposite side and cooling it, no internal stresses that way. However on something small like a TD chassis stresses are negligible.
Welding light gauge materials is different than welding heavy steel.
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Postby Pam M » Thu Apr 08, 2010 10:39 am

The sagging floor does not bum me out! It's all part of the days work. I like to learn, and this is just part of the experience. Who would have ever thought to check the level of a professionals work. "I will from here on out".

Johnny D. I would like to take you up on your offer, and for some ironic reason (boasting rights within this forum on what a fantastic welder you are) I bet you all the money in the world, this weld will be the most perfect, straightest weld you've ever done! Just giving you grief.... I appreciate your offer! Sincerely, let me know what I need and we can team attack this effort! I am more than willing to take you to dinner, or breakfast or pay you, whichever.

Yes I would like to borrow your squares, and maybe we can donate them to the lending library of TD builders in this area!


Thanks a bunch again!
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Postby glassice » Thu Apr 08, 2010 7:30 pm

Can I talk you in to taking a Little commute and hire you to be production manager looks great you do very nice work it only 250mi one way .
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Postby down under tech » Thu Apr 08, 2010 11:26 pm

Hi Pam: This is for your followers of your build.

I went over to Pam's house tonight to check out her trailer chassis/frame. I don't know who said they were a weldor & charged her "anything" to extend the frame. He should have "paid her" to practice on her frame. Can you say "Cobb Job"? :roll:

Pam took some pictures of the extension after we removed the wooden deck. You will see what I mean when she post the pics. We came up with a list of metal she will need to get so I can put this right this week end. He removed almost all of the bolts that were actually holding the frame together and did "very pee poor" welds. We are going to reinstall the bolts as I would trust them more than I would trust the low quality welds he did just as a back up. :oops:

Pam is such a nice person and is trying as hard as she can to learn as she goes and to build something she will enjoy for years to come. I don't want her to have this TD fall apart before she gets to the first campsite. I will help her when she needs help. She knows what she wants and I don't want to interfere with her plans, but I will be glad to give her advise as well as her readers should, too. She likes your ideas and feedback also so keep them coming.

She will get through this "PROBLEM" and she will succeed in this TD build. :thumbsup:
Johnny D.

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Postby mandy » Fri Apr 09, 2010 12:13 am

Sorry that the trailer got jacked up. :( I said it once and I'll say it again the people on this forum are wonderful, Johnny D your awsome. :thumbsup:
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Postby Pam M » Fri Apr 09, 2010 12:16 am

I agree, he's amazing help! I will be back on my way on Saturday evening... thanks to johnny d.

We are hoping to have a meet up with a couple other td people on Sunday, so it should be good information all around.
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Postby doug hodder » Fri Apr 09, 2010 12:21 am

So just how much was the frame off? I build in some pretty thin material (16ga.) at times and a fact of life is, the perimeter can be dead flat, but once you put some/any heat into the bottom side to weld up some axle hangers, it will arch. I've never had one arch up...always pulled on the side that I've welded on. Even in a jig it may lay flat once welded, but when unclamped it will still arch a bit, unless you shim/clamp it prior to welding. Some may think it's blasphemy, but I build on them anyway. A bit of arch can be taken care of or hidden easily with no problem...out of square...that's a real problem.... Just my opinion.

Whoops..in the words or Roseann Rosanna Danna...Never Mind..I see it's an extended frame and not full stick material. Doug
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Postby Kixwy2 » Fri Apr 09, 2010 1:09 am

Johnny, that's awesome of you!

Pam, I'm sorry to hear about the welding issue. That totally blows. One of the reasons that I bought a welder: I hated having someone else mess up my project. If it was going to be messed up, it's because I did it! :lol: I'm really glad you noticed it now and not after you'd built most of it.
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