I am amazed ... the way you take on a project like deciding how much
weight it would take in the doorway to tip over the Teardrop.
In my situation most likely it would even take more weight to do the deed.
You see my trailer jack is centered right behind the coupler. The width is
5 foot and the door location is well back so the opening is right close to the
fenders. With this scenario I would expect your figures would make the
weight to tip over my trailer to go uP.
As I said before with the pressure of the two rear jacks and the front jack,
pushing up and the wheels chalked the stability seems more than enough.
Setting right next to the wheels when getting in and the body position
inside the trailer while at rest again seems to distribute the weight such
that no movement seems to happen in my setuP.
Andrew wrote:Now, do I get to win this week's 'sad member' award?
Andrew ...
Why would one want or not, to get the "Sad Member Award"?
I am a little confused ... but would it be that you thought in this case the
weight that it would take to tip over the trailer is not what your figures
proved, thus you are sad?
Was your thinking the need for two more or (4) stabilizers were needed
and your figures proved you didn't and that is why you are sad?
I need an across the pond translation if you please, Andrew?