Glacier, Yellowstone, Teton, & Rocky Mtn NP

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Glacier, Yellowstone, Teton, & Rocky Mtn NP

Postby WhitneyK » Mon Oct 01, 2012 8:47 pm

Greetings fellow campers!

My wife & I just returned from a 2 wk trip to the Northwest. Prior to this trip, I had pulled our li'l camper 30 mi to the Hoosier Spring Gathering and back, so I was a little nervous about the 4,000 + mile trip that awaited us. I guess the main conserns I had were wheel bearings & transmission. :worship: I don't know why I was worried, the bearings were new, packed, & adjusted, I was only 3-400 lbs over the max tow weight for OD? Everytime we stopped for fuel I put my thumb on the hubs and my hand on the tires; barely warm everytime. :thumbsup:

To start out, we left little 'ol Crothersville, IN on Friday morning Sept 14 (took an extra day off before vacation started). The first leg of our journey was a 30 hr drive to Glacier NP in Montana with a stop by Audubon NWR in ND. I got to see a lot of this as we traveled to our first destination.
Trailer towed great, even up to the max speed as claimed by my GPS of 85 mph (must've been down hill, oops :o )
Our li'l camper tucks in nicely behind our Equinox, therefore not hendering our milage too bad, only lost about 3-4 mpg.
The first night we "camped with the big dogs" at a reststop on the other side of Wisconsin Dells
Night number 2 found us well into North Dakota facing a beatiful sunset before camping on Lake Audubon just North of the Wildlife Refuge. The Sun showed us it's beauty once again the next morning.
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We explored the NWR the best we could on our limited time schedule and jumped up Ringneck Pheasants along with other birds, then it was off to our first major distination: Glacier NP in Montana and our first "official" campsite, not bad for $10 a night :thumbsup: (Oh ya, might I mention, no electric, pit toilets, and they turned the water off the morning we got there. Wife was NOT happy with the pit toilet thing :x )(she took her chances in the bushes with the bears. I dare a bear to cold nose her in the middle of the nite :BE )
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For those of you that have not been there (yet), it is one of the most impressive NP in the Country! Now mind you S. IN ain't but about 8-900 ft above sea level, so when this flat lander got up to 12,000 ft,..... shewwweeee, I got winded real easy.
And she expected me to hike where? This trail takes you back to Hidden Lake (I know, it's not hidden, you can see it :lol: ) Just a short 3 mi hike.
98366 98363This is the Mtn on the left of the first pic
After that casual stroll :NC she wanted to take another hike to Virginia Falls :frightened: ..... yes dear. The hike and the falls turned out to be nice (just another 3 mi up hill)
Oh ya, after those 2 hikes (around 7 mi) my wife, still looking for pics of mountain goats, asked if anyone had seen them. On person stated that they had just come off the Hidden Lake trail and they were up there. So, you guessed it, we went back to HL trail and, in a hurried pace, went back up to the top to find the goats still next to the trail. Do I need to remind you about how easily winded us flat landers are? She liked to kill me! :sweaty:
In Glacier we encounter Grizzly bear, Big Horn Sheep, Mountain Goats, Bull Moose, Black Bear, and a Grizzly with 2 cubs.
On our way out of Galcier we encounter the elusive "free range black tailed bovine" :frightened:

After spending 3 days at Glacier it was off too.....Yellowstone NP!
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In YNP we were surrounded by
But got to see Black Bear, Elk, Coyote, Mule Deer, and a Bald Eagle (up close). On our way out, we stopped through the Tetons. Not any luck on wildlife and the landscape shots where a wash with the smoke hanging in the air from the wildfires in Idaho (I feel for those folks). Even made breathing difficult. Could barely see the Mountains.
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Next leg of our journey finds us traveling to Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado!
Along the way we picked up some shots of the Wind River
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Late Sunday evening we arrived at our last destination: RMNP, in the dark up a windy, hilly, twisted road. :frightened:
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With only one malfunction of the camper (thanks to the bumpy roads)
We restrained ourselves to just short hikes and got many, many pics of wildlife and landscape. Mainly Elk because they were in rut (mood for love). Even had one wake us up at 4 am, bugling next to our camper. Opened the door around 5 am and could have reached out and touched 2 cows.
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The birds and chipmunks were very friendly
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Even found Elk running around in town by the golf course (Estes Park)

One morning we ventured across the mountain to look for Moose, and sure enough....
Found a bull, cow, and calf.

When we started back over the mountain that afternoon we encountered a slight "problem" :snow (this is another fine mess she's got me in)

Oh, but when we got to the other side.....
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Tuesday night we got rained on all night long and woke up to....

We packed it up early Thursday and headed for home with blue skies in front of us and rain clouds behind.
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In 5000 miles of driving, did not see not one TD or TTT in all my travels. The only exception was Yellowstone. One couple from S. Cal came in with their home built TD fresh in from Prudhoe Bay who had never heard of the website (I quickly educated them) and caught a glimpse of the rear of a TD one day. Other than that, zilch, zero, nada. (out of 14696 users?)

Arrived home late Friday night to a purring cat who hasn't left our side since.
Last edited by WhitneyK on Mon Oct 01, 2012 9:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Whitney & Tracie
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Re: Glacier, Yellowstone, Teton, & Rocky Mtn NP

Postby S. Heisley » Mon Oct 01, 2012 10:05 pm

Beautiful pictures, Whitney! The Mountains around the Yellowstone area look a lot less smokey than they did in August!
Glad you had a good time and the trip went well. Thanks for sharing. :applause: :thumbsup:
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Re: Glacier, Yellowstone, Teton, & Rocky Mtn NP

Postby Woodbutcher » Tue Oct 02, 2012 6:57 am

Looks like you had a great time. Beautiful pictures, thanks for sharing!
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Re: Glacier, Yellowstone, Teton, & Rocky Mtn NP

Postby WhitneyK » Tue Oct 02, 2012 9:08 am

slowcowboy wrote:whats so wrong with pit toliets some people think they are luxury compared to a normal outhouse!!!!!!!!!!!!!


no one gave me ANY flack on the pit toilets at walk the winds in pinedale in august!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We don't have a problem with pit toilets with the exception that it was end of season and the "stuff" in the pit was coming up to greet you! :R (like within a couple of feet from the seat)(visualize THAT)
Whitney & Tracie
Crothersville, IN

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Re: Glacier, Yellowstone, Teton, & Rocky Mtn NP

Postby RKH » Wed Oct 03, 2012 12:11 pm

You should have realized she was going to try to do you in at the high altitude when you packed the embalming fluid! :D

Seriously, great journey. Thanks for sharing! :pictures:
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Re: Glacier, Yellowstone, Teton, & Rocky Mtn NP

Postby Verna » Wed Oct 03, 2012 12:42 pm

Great pics, Whitney!!!! Glad you had a great time.
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Re: Glacier, Yellowstone, Teton, & Rocky Mtn NP

Postby bigblockbarry » Sat Oct 06, 2012 9:29 am

Great pics Whitney,
In all the traveling you only had the one minor problem with your trailer,that's what I would call a success! Great job. I talked to a guy at cruise night Thursday that pulled his little benroy from Memphis to Washington and back,stopping at the same places you did,and he said he figured he saved $2000 in hotel room fees. They were on the road 5 weeks. I'm going there too one of these days.
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Re: Glacier, Yellowstone, Teton, & Rocky Mtn NP

Postby mustangcats » Sat Oct 06, 2012 6:18 pm

Those pictures of Glacier National Park brought back memories. I took the maiden voyage with my newly built TTT the first week of August to Glacier National Park and saw many of the sights you posted pictures of. The trail to Hidden Lake still had a lot of snow on it and was closed beyond Hidden Lake due to bear activity (and I also think because a hiker went missing in the area a few days earlier and has never been found). I chose to not stay in the crowded Glacier campgrounds and instead stayed at Devil Creek Campground in the Flathead National Forest. It had 14 spaces and only a few were ever used the 5 days I stayed there. I never saw any grizzly bears or other wildlife except for some mountan goats and deer, probably because I was there at the busiest time of the year. The TTT pulled great and I did not have a single problem during the 3500 mile trip. I figured I saved over $1000 in motel bills and didn't have to worry about where I would sleep each night. Next summer I would like to see Yellowstone and am already checking out campgrounds in the National Forests in the area.
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Re: Glacier, Yellowstone, Teton, & Rocky Mtn NP

Postby WhitneyK » Sat Oct 06, 2012 9:19 pm

mustangcats wrote:Next summer I would like to see Yellowstone and am already checking out campgrounds in the National Forests in the area.

We have been to Yellowstone twice, 1st trip was in the Spring (2nd week of June) Great time to go, you will see Grizzly with cubs, Elk with babies, big horn sheep, etc. This is the best time to go see the wildlife. :D The park isn't busy yet and the animals have just survived the winter. We still had some snow on the ground, and the Tetons was beautiful with the snow on the mountain tops. 2nd time was 3rd week of September, didn't see much wildlife... Just a few elk and a black bear. We did stay in the park at Grant Village campgrounds. They were nice.... Heated restrooms with Flush toilets, and you have showers available. When we were there, the park wasn't crowded. Hope you get to go see Yellowstone, it's one of my favorites. :thumbsup:

Tracie ( Whitney's Wife )
Whitney & Tracie
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Re: Glacier, Yellowstone, Teton, & Rocky Mtn NP

Postby PubUltraStar » Sun Jan 20, 2013 12:00 am

Awesome pics. Actually, our trip to Glacier this summer is the reason I found the teardrop community in the first place. On the way out from Wisconsin, we ended up sleeping in the car. My wife doesn't like tent camping, and there is no way I was into getting a full RV. Tada! Teardrops. My whole build process is basically so that I can go back to Glacier and take pictures, in style. Thank you for sharing. Here are some of my pics from Glacier in July of 2012, and next time, I hope to include my "soon-to-be" started tear in the pics.




And one from Yellowstone:
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Re: Glacier, Yellowstone, Teton, & Rocky Mtn NP

Postby Vedette » Sun Feb 17, 2013 4:25 pm

Great Pictures Whitney
We did a similar trip last summer, getting as far east as Detroit.
For you mid westerners who are planning a long pull with your teardrop.
Don't be shy about coming north into Cananda if you are already as far as Glacier NP or circling across the top of Washington State to the coast. :thumbsup:
Lots to see here. :thumbsup: Banff an Lake louise are destinations that should be included on everyone "Bucket List" :thinking:
Heck I am hoping some of you make my backyard here in the heart of the Okanangan Valley an inclusion on your bucket list.
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Re: Glacier, Yellowstone, Teton, & Rocky Mtn NP

Postby Bobcape » Sun Jun 16, 2013 10:43 am

Nice trip! Glacier is my favorite NP. Been there many times. Took my new teardrop this spring when I was at a shoot in Glasgow, MT. YNP can get pretty crowded in the summers but it's worth it and with a little effort you can get away from the crowds. RMNP always has great views. Haven't been back in several years.

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