The Poet Creek Express - Foamie Hybrid

Canvas covered foamies (Thrifty Alternatives...)

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Re: The Poet Creek Express - Foamie Hybrid

Postby KCStudly » Fri May 08, 2015 8:24 pm

Still suffering from seasonal allergies. The trees are popping out all over dumping their pollen. It’s been really nice weather for a stretch and the loft has been quite warm in the afternoons; warm enough to want shorts and sandals in lieu of my work boots and jeans. The working time for the PL300 was pretty quick today, too, and it shot out of the tube a lot easier; almost too fast.

I did get that first lower curb side foam panel glued up.

Also faired the middle filler strip to the front foam with a little bit of gentle hand sanding

The next foam piece on the hatch will be full width and I won’t be able to spread the PL300 the way I have been due to limits on the working time. The filler strip there was a bit of a test because it was over the top of the area of TB2 that I had used to glue that lower street side piece on. The PL300 seemed to grab the cured TB2 great, so I think I will seal the rest of the hatch with glue or the mix first, so that I don’t have to worry about getting the PL300 everywhere; just a bead around the perimeter and some zig-zags in the field.
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Re: The Poet Creek Express - Foamie Hybrid

Postby OP827 » Fri May 08, 2015 10:01 pm

Looking good! :thumbsup:
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Re: The Poet Creek Express - Foamie Hybrid

Postby KCStudly » Sat May 09, 2015 3:26 pm

Thanks, OP. :D

I'm laying low today. We are going to celebrate Chris' B-day over at the shop this evening (actually, out on their new patio around the fire bowl) and I'm bringing the fixings for a cook out. I made up some BBQ sauce (maybe a cup of ketchup, tbsp of Grey Poupon country style mustard, splash of soy sauce and teriyaki sauce, a little maple syrup, a little brown sugar, black pepper, garlic powder, dried onion flakes, and a little blackened seasoning); cooled it down and mixed it into a couple of lbs of ground beef to make burger patties. Onion rolls, spring mix lettuce, tomato, sharp cheddar, loaded potato salad, and a broccoli slaw to go with.

I'm going to bring a CI skillet and pan fry them over some coals (or on top of the grill) so that they get a nice caramel. Small test sample patty was very promising.

In other news, Yvette is already pushing for a kitten. :o Rocky and I are not sure about that yet. :shock:
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Re: The Poet Creek Express - Foamie Hybrid

Postby OP827 » Sat May 09, 2015 4:31 pm

You are welcome KC, I am not doing much in the build today either, just unclamped. That sauce and burgers sound great, I wish I could drop by and try it. It is a great sunny day in my neck of the woods today, so I gues I just going to enjoy that :D. My take if you enjoy a company of those furry friends, you should get one. It is life and it should go on, I feel that we should enjoy every day we live.
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Re: The Poet Creek Express - Foamie Hybrid

Postby KCStudly » Sun May 10, 2015 11:41 pm

I know what you're saying OP, and I'm sure a kitten is in our near future, but there is always a transitional period; and those little critters have so much energy and fearlessness that you have to be ready for them! :o

Got about 3 hrs of real work in today and another 1/2 hr staring and contemplating; considering things like side clearance light wire routing and whether to add a bit higher curbing for the roof vent, like Wobbly Wheels has done on his build. Also, I’m thinking I will probably have to drop the build cradle down off of the horses and tilt the cabin over onto each floor edge in order to have easier access to fair the final roof foam when the time comes.

Anyway, I pulled the stretcher off the hatch, did a little bit of scraping to remove some excess PL300 from the wooden areas, and sanded the lower edge of the curb side lower foam fair to the cleat at the bottom.

That was the last of the partial sheets. Time to start fitting the next full cabin width sheet on the hatch. With Karl’s encouragement, I decided to try out his new ‘super throw down’ shop vac. The small 1-1/2 inch hose was easy to adapt, albeit crudely, to the small trim router. Took the rear shield off, screwed the guide fence rods into the base, wedged a piece of wood in there to keep the hose from dragging on my rip fence, and wrapped it with some packing tape.

The hose is long and slinky, and very easy to manage compared to the typical larger hose from the old 16 gal vac.

The coolest feature, other than the ultra-quiet operation, is the remote auto start feature. Just plug the tool into the face of the vac and when you turn it on the vacuum comes on automatically. Stays on a few seconds after you shut the tool off to make sure that the hose gets clear. Very nice. I actually had to shut the router off to make sure that the vac was running, it was so quiet.

That took care of the rabbet in the lower edge of the foam to clear the splice backer in the hatch skin.

You may recall when we went thru the table saw we were never able to get the locking feature for the blade depth to free up, so while I have obviously been able to change the depth of cut, I have been unable to lock the adjustment into place. For most cuts this isn’t an issue because the blade usually protrudes thru the cut and if it drifts slightly it doesn’t affect anything. On a few occasions where I was cutting dadoes or rabbets I have seen a little drift with the blade rising out of the table as the cabinet vibrates a little. When running the saw for extended periods, such as when making a bunch of kerf cuts, I have stopped in the middle and verified the blade depth, rather than risk inconsistent cuts. To avoid this I found a very simple solution; clamp a stop to the hand wheel. (The knob in the middle of the hand wheel is supposed to turn in order to lock the position, but it is frozen.)

Another thing that I have had to adjust every so often is the cam on the near side rip fence clamp. With each application and release of the clamp this recessed screw would back off about 1/4 turn. So I adjusted it tight again and put a dab of PL2 on it, that will hopefully lock it enough to prevent it from backing off (the closest thing I had to Loctite with in arms reach).

The upper radius on the hatch is not as severe as the front radius so I went with a larger 2 inch spacing on the kerfs. Seemed to be enough on dry fit.

By just dry fitting the panel and pressing it against the blocking for the galley light screws, I could transfer their location and make the cutouts. The larger one with the wires I cut clean thru, while the smaller one I just chipped out with the razor knife.

Before I was working with smaller pieces and could spread the PL300 evenly to effect a seal to the wood, but with these larger panels that isn’t going to be an option. My test with the PL300 over hard TB2 was good and I thought I might roll that on as a sealer coat, but I haven’t moved my big gallon jugs back into the loft yet, so just had a small bottle with me. Decided to proceed with “the mix” instead. Mixed 8 oz regular polyurethane (not the high build) with 4 oz of spirits and that was just the right amount to slobber over the remaining hatch skin, along the edges, covering the wall edgings and along the top and rear of the bumper. (Sorry for the sunlight glare in the pics.)

And that's where I left off.

I'd like to wish a happy mother’s day to my mom, again, and to all of the other mothers out there in TD land. :thumbsup:
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Re: The Poet Creek Express - Foamie Hybrid

Postby Wolffarmer » Mon May 11, 2015 12:11 am

Just let me know when you want a cat. I'll get one of those flat rate boxes at the Post Office and fill it up.

I got 11 kittens running around here now. About 7 weeks old. Mostly live outside but when they are in the house they tend to follow me. Ever turned around an see a heard of cats coming up on you?

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Re: The Poet Creek Express - Foamie Hybrid

Postby KCStudly » Mon May 11, 2015 6:20 am

:lol: :lol: :lol: Nice. A little ray of sunshine for you.

Hey Randy, sorry I missed your e-mail. I had been checking the little "new mail" tab, but apparently it didn't refresh to show your message had arrived until I opened my mail box properly. Found it after the swap meet. :NC

Will try again, maybe hit the fall event this year, too.
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Re: The Poet Creek Express - Foamie Hybrid

Postby Wolffarmer » Mon May 11, 2015 7:24 am

Tis Okay. I can't figure out why my email program sends notifications from TnTTT to the spam folder.

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Re: The Poet Creek Express - Foamie Hybrid

Postby Wobbly Wheels » Mon May 11, 2015 8:58 am

Randy, I guess you've always got a future as a cat-herder. Now to create a niche that will pay handsomely for it...:thinking: :lol:

Looking good KC, love the jury rigs ! I assume you've tried hitting the lock knob on the saw with a torch ?
Some days it seems like that's the most common tool we use on old boats.
When you get a sec, can you put p a pic of the label on that vac ? I need to replace mine and since my 'shop' is right below the bedroom I try not to disturb the princess on Sat/Sun mornings. :lol:

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
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Re: The Poet Creek Express - Foamie Hybrid

Postby KCStudly » Mon May 11, 2015 11:34 am

Sure, but don't blame me when the sticker price whacks you up side the head! :?

It is way, way out of my price range; over $600. In fact I was even reluctant to use it... but now that I have... :twisted:

Karl can justify the cost because when he is doing a high dollar railing install in someone's living room, it will be nice to have a fresh, clean and quiet vac; not off putting for the customer like his old dirty clunker.

I'm thinking I need to bring my 16 gal Crafstman and install a baffle plate in it to protect the pleated filter from clogging with foam, otherwise I am sure I can choke this thing up and fill the bag in no time (it's a 12 gal vac but the bag doesn't fill the tub, so maybe 9 gal capacity?); and the bags cost just as much as the old style filters, if not more. Another nice feature though, the bags have a little cardboard guillotine valve that you can shut before removing; keeps them form blowing back like those little puff ball spore sacs.
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Re: The Poet Creek Express - Foamie Hybrid

Postby Wobbly Wheels » Mon May 11, 2015 10:01 pm

Ay carumba ! that would be $1200 by the time it gets to Canada :lol: :lol:
I'm so cheap I reuse my shop vac bags by opening one end, dumping out the sawdust and closing it again with a couple small spring clamps. I get about half a dozen uses before the paper clogs up.

I had a buddy that made a dust collector for his thickness sander with a plastic garbage can and an old flannel sheet. If memory serves, it was a shop vac head that ran it. I don't recall details but I'm sure a clever guy could rig up something effective.

Shameless Lee Valley plug again, but they have their 'dust deputy' which attaches a cyclone chamber to your shopvac, dumping the dust into a 5 gallon pail. Not sure how it would fare with something as light as styro though.
I really think your should try one and let us all know how it works :R :lol:
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Re: The Poet Creek Express - Foamie Hybrid

Postby Fred Trout » Mon May 11, 2015 10:58 pm

I saw a $33 outlet switch on Amazon that will let you use any vacuum with any tool you want: ... HFK7QET5BE

The 60 reviews seem to like it. Would tempt me if I had a serious shop itch.
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Re: The Poet Creek Express - Foamie Hybrid

Postby KCStudly » Mon May 11, 2015 11:24 pm

Nice. Thanks for posting that Fred. :thumbsup:

WW, another project for another day, eh?
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Re: The Poet Creek Express - Foamie Hybrid

Postby OP827 » Tue May 12, 2015 10:38 am

Fred Trout wrote:I saw a $33 outlet switch on Amazon that will let you use any vacuum with any tool you want: ... HFK7QET5BE

The 60 reviews seem to like it. Would tempt me if I had a serious shop itch.

Will that not overload the curcuit with 12A of Vacuum and then 1.5HP table saw? When I try to feed my shop vacuum and table saw from one outlet, the RPMs of vacuum are going down drastically until table saw gains its speed ... :thinking:
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Re: The Poet Creek Express - Foamie Hybrid

Postby OP827 » Tue May 12, 2015 10:59 am

Wobbly Wheels wrote:Ay carumba ...

I had a buddy that made a dust collector for his thickness sander with a plastic garbage can and an old flannel sheet. If memory serves, it was a shop vac head that ran it. I don't recall details but I'm sure a clever guy could rig up something effective.


Like the one I did too? I really like it for no bags, no maintenance required.
I came up with this simplified idea after building of thien dust separator -
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