Not religion & not politics, just psychology

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Not religion & not politics, just psychology

Postby Prem » Mon Jan 06, 2014 5:19 pm

An interesting commentary on a newly published book:

Summary of The Triple Package by Amy Chua and Jed Rubenfeld - Authors
It may be taboo to say, but some groups in America do better than others. Mormons have recently risen to astonishing business success. Cubans in Miami climbed from poverty to prosperity in a generation. Nigerians earn doctorates at stunningly high rates. Indian and Chinese Americans have much higher incomes than other Americans; Jews may have the highest of all.

Why do some groups rise? Drawing on groundbreaking original research and startling statistics, The Triple Package uncovers the secret to their success. A superiority complex, insecurity, impulse control—these are the elements of the Triple Package, the rare and potent cultural constellation that drives disproportionate group success. The Triple Package is open to anyone. America itself was once a Triple Package culture. It’s been losing that edge for a long time now. Even as headlines proclaim the death of upward mobility in America, the truth is that the oldfashioned American Dream is very much alive—butsome groups have a cultural edge, which enables them to take advantage of opportunity far more than others.

• Americans are taught that everyone is equal, that no group is superior to another. But remarkably, all of America’s most successful groups believe (even
if they don’t say so aloud) that they’re exceptional, chosen, superior in some way.
• Americans are taught that self-esteem—feeling good about yourself—is the key to a successful life. But in all of America’s most successful groups,
people tend to feel insecure, inadequate, that they have to prove themselves.
• America today spreads a message of immediate gratification, living for the moment. But all of America’s most successful groups cultivate heightened discipline and impulse control.

But the Triple Package has a dark underside too. Each of its elements carries distinctive pathologies; when taken to an extreme, they can have truly toxic effects. Should people strive for the Triple Package? Should America? Ultimately, the authors conclude that the Triple Package is a ladder that should be climbed and then kicked away, drawing on its power but breaking free from its constraints.
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Re: Not religion & not politics, just psychology

Postby jstrubberg » Mon Jan 06, 2014 5:37 pm

It's interesting how different cultural backgrounds seem to reinforce different character traits. It's like looking at one of those shotgun charts...not every Asian is a scholar, but when you look at a large enough sample, the culture definitely pushes learning.

I agree 100% with the triple package statements, with the exception of the one about group superiority. I think the researchers may have that wrong. I'm sure some groups here in the states feel that way, but what I see more often is that an individual believes they are special, not necessarily a group.

I think there's a fourth leg to the stool as well. Maybe it's being assumed, but if you talk about success, you have to talk about work ethic. Every group I know of that is truly successful would laugh at the idea of a forty hour work week. Forty hours a week is standing still and waiting for someone else to pass you up.
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Re: Not religion & not politics, just psychology

Postby Shadow Catcher » Mon Jan 06, 2014 5:43 pm

The difficulty is that this affects both of the above. One specific example, how much money can you spend, and yet we have billionaires influencing elections so that they can make more money. What is the intersection between self esteem and greed? I could go on and on but will see what others think.
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Re: Not religion & not politics, just psychology

Postby RandyG » Mon Jan 06, 2014 5:58 pm

That is very interesting. In some cases, one could belief the reason some groups rise from poverty is that they want to do better than their parents have. It's their motivation and their parents pushing them more for a better life.
My look on parenting is, if I parent my kids better than how my parents did with me... I did good. But I know its not only about someone's raisings. Some groups get known for certain traits and are sometimes expected to excel at things. Its not fair for the individuals...
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Re: Not religion & not politics, just psychology

Postby len19070 » Tue Jan 07, 2014 5:56 am

I think this ties into a saying my Father used to use all the time;

"Some people Have to make a lot of money. Because they don't know what to do with it!"

I bought a Dish washer for $420. My Neighbor, an educated guy bought the same one for $700???

My Brother bought a new 2012 Program Car in March of 2012 from a dealer with 4200 miles on it. His Brother in law, not to be out done bought the same car new for $8000 more??

Some groups Teach Money handling skills to there children...and some don't because they themselves don't know them.

I think that having Money Skills early does put someone ahead of the Pack but not necessarily mean a superior attitude.

One thing I've seen often is that some of these "Educated" people won't take the advise of a person in work cloths who has done something several times and has a lot of experience with it.


Will seek out and take the advise of a person with less experience closer to there level with a suit on (who will generally get the information from the guy in Work Cloths). No matter what the cost difference is.

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Re: Not religion & not politics, just psychology

Postby Prem » Tue Jan 07, 2014 11:38 am

Very interesting and intelligent insights.

I'm left contemplating where the 40+ hour work week for the money and advancement may or may not intersect the line of individuals' self-actualization (what do I really want to do with my short life)? Just three random questions: "Is a golfing retirement the American Dream after all the achievement years?" Or another, "How many TnTTT builds is enough?" ;) Or, "With lottery winnings of just $12 million, what's next?"
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Re: Not religion & not politics, just psychology

Postby Prem » Thu Jan 09, 2014 3:35 pm

"Most people don't know what they want nearly as much as they definitely know what they do not want." --G.A. Anderson :thinking:
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Re: Not religion & not politics, just psychology

Postby eggsalad » Thu Jan 09, 2014 7:22 pm

Interesting. I belong to one of the groups suggested in the original post to be more likely to prosper. By the common definition of "prosperous", I most certainly am not.

Why? Mostly because I believe "enough is enough". I make a solidly middle-class income. It's way more than I need to live on, because I live simply. I put 50% of my take-home in savings every two weeks. I believe working 40 (or more!) hours per week is for suckers. The only reason I work 40 hours most weeks is because that's what it takes to get me health insurance.

At my job, we are required to work 43 weeks a year. There are 7 additional weeks offered as optional. I never work them.

I think way too many people have the wrong definition of "prosperity". All my needs are met, as are most of my reasonable desires. I surround myself with good people who care about me, and in turn I care about them. I have all the free time I need to pursue the interests that I find fulfilling.

To me, I'm prosperous and successful. To most people, I'm not. Heck with them!
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Re: Not religion & not politics, just psychology

Postby Prem » Thu Jan 09, 2014 8:31 pm


In the language of my grown kids, "You so rock!"


(Kinda talkin' 'bout the same thing over on another thread:
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