Ahoy from Ontario,Canada

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Ahoy from Ontario,Canada

Postby cbrkp » Mon Mar 20, 2017 12:06 pm

Greetings all!

Appreciative and thankful to have joined the site.

Looking to learn lots from the site as we make little changes to our 6x12 enclosed trailer that we use at the track side. Hoping weather will get better soon so we can start working on the trailer.

Looking to learn and complete the following below, any info or advice would be greatly appreciative :D Any other recommendations are appreciative as well:

lighting & fan
wiring 12v & 110 volt
tidy up the interior with paint, flooring/carpet,etc.
protect the bottom
install trailer brakes
ceiling/loft bed (don't know too much about this)
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Teardrop Inspector
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Joined: Sun Mar 19, 2017 4:21 pm

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