The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby toypusher » Mon Apr 02, 2018 8:32 am

WOW! Seems you guys have a potentially fantastic opportunity. Hope it works out.

We had snow overnight and this morning until about 8, now it is just melting and they are calling for rain all day tomorrow. We have a dinner to go to early this evening and another social/business thing tomorrow afternoon. Might go to the range today, but not sure on that yet.
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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby Fenlason » Mon Apr 02, 2018 3:41 pm

Yeah.. I am not really sure what will come of it for me... but even the minimal aspects of it will be pretty cool. Where I was at the shop.. I wasn't able to keep up with my knowledge with new equipment. The new cool stuff, the other guys worked on. Which I understand.. there was plenty of other stuff for me to work on.. and they didn't want to take a lot of time training me on the newest stuff. I didn't really like not knowing.. all there was to know.. but :shrug:

So now I get to work on the latest and greatest.. Some Dave has been taught.. and he is teaching me.. other stuff I am teaching him.. other stuff we will learn together. I sat in on a live video conference today, on the details of a new bike.. that will be released in a few weeks. Basically explained what's so cool about it.. the changes over last year etc. I think he will receive the first of those tomorrow.

They had asked him if he has a storage unit yet. He is going to end up with more bikes than what either of his trailers will hold. He mentioned instead of renting a storage unit some where.. he was going to get a rent to own shed.. for at the house. He would rather have it more accessable.. I would think it's safer.. and he will get reimbursed the rent... [even after the shed is actually paid for.]

I got a little work done later this afternoon on my instant garage.. and am just about ready to head downstairs for a leg workout. [Laurie is out snowshoeing with her group].

It was cooler and grey most of the day.. but your snow.. and the snow that hit Lisa.. went out to sea below us. :D We will have plenty.. while there are some bare spots.. we still have a 18" or so in spots..and that isn't including snow banks etc.

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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby toypusher » Tue Apr 03, 2018 9:14 am

Rainy and mid 40s here today. It is to turn windy and hit 60 or so tomorrow with some clearing I guess.

Have to pick my wife up at noon and we going to visit a couple of her customers to tell them of her impending retirement. I was planning on grilling chicken for dinner, but with the rain it most likely will not happen. Time for plan B, I guess. :)
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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby Fenlason » Tue Apr 03, 2018 1:37 pm

Mostly grey and gloomy here. We have had some sun but not a lot. At least no snow.. :D There are getting some not that far north of here. Tomorrow is supposed to be rainy.

I worked with Dave a little this morning. More S Works bikes to build.. then a new mountain bike.. another secret one. [ for a few weeks yet]

Dave will head to NY Thursday for another 20 bikes.. some of these he will keep for his demo fleet.. others will be evaluated and then sold off.. some needing to go back to Ohio I think.

We have a Mill ride tonight.. and right now I am a zombie.. sometimes I do ok with no sleep.. not so great at the moment. Someone called at about 1:00 this morning. I did not get to the phone before they hung up.. so I have no idea who.. and then of course you worry.. who and what might have that been?? :o

We haven't heard from anyone today.. so.. :shrug:

I was going to work out on the the instant garage this afternoon.. but my mind isn't clear enough... it is actually late enough now.. All I will probably get done now.. is gathering clothes and stuff for tonight.

I will have a few days off from anything with Dave... with the rain tomorrow.. I might be limited to what I can do on the instant garage. I have a 3 foot wide wall to board up.. but I need to work outside for that. I do have a little framing inside I can do...

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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby Fenlason » Thu Apr 05, 2018 9:26 am

Cold and windy today.. at least we have sun. We might not get out of the 20's today.. with 30-35 mph winds.

I did work outside on the instant garage some yesterday. hmm I am not sure if I will today. At the moment I am working on a wall cabinet in the bedroom. We have an old small tv / vcr combo built in. We are looking at replacing it with something a little more modern. I was looking at adding a wall mount to an upright, but have found it wouldn't be that big a deal to tear out some of the insides and to place a tv in the same spot. It will fit and look better, and will not require a wall mount.

The "big" decision.. is what size. I had debated between a 32 and 42 in the living room. I ended up with a 32. It's weird.. it is a bit bigger than the old one we had, yet I am "wishing" we had gotten the bigger one. I could move this 32 to the bedroom. [I just have to move a shelf up a couple of inches.] [not a big deal]

Or I can leave the 32 up here, and get a smaller one for down there. :thinking:

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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby toypusher » Fri Apr 06, 2018 6:43 am

Yesterday was windy here, but sunny for the most part. I was going to try to mow my yard, but mower did not want to start. So, I fired up the string trimmer and did some trimming for starters and discovered that the yard is a bit too soft to support the mower right now. Will just have to wait for a while to mow I guess. It is still breezy today, but should get close to 60 degrees this afternoon.

I am to go back to work for a couple days next week and then maybe full time the following week. We will basically do yard cleanup next week and then start mowing the week after.
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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby Fenlason » Fri Apr 06, 2018 7:18 am

We have sun now... but it is supposed to rain/snow later... with more wind. :(

We have decided on moving the 32" downstairs and our new one will be a 40". I discussed it with Laurie at lunch time yesterday.. then finished the cabinet downstairs for that size.

Laurie's work had a ribbon cutting ceremony at the new bath center in Oakland. She did not even hear about it until yesterday... but we went to that last night.

I am hoping to work outside on my instant garage.. but that depends on the weather and temps.

Perhaps a weight workout. I started one yesterday afternoon.. and just didn't feel it.

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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby Fenlason » Sat Apr 07, 2018 5:40 pm

We got 4" to 5" of snow last night.. :cry:

Thankfully much of it melted today. What got good sun is gone.. but in some places where not.. like my steps.. still have 2: to 3".

We went to our nieces today for Easter.. and birthday celebrations. On the way we did a little shopping. I picked up some more weights for the gym. I purchased some nice dumb bell bars.. solid one's with a thread on collar. I also picked up some smaller iron plates. 10's 5's and 2.5's. 120#'s worth. I have quit a few separate cast dumb bells.. up through to 50#'s . I wanted to be able to do a higher weight.. but more importantly wanted some adjustments. On my bigger cast dumb bells I go up in 10# increments.. and that works out a lot percentage wise. The bars themselves are 7#'s..

We also picked up that tv. We had looked at 2 picture qualities..and the sales person said unless we are watching blue ray DVD we won't see the difference. So we stayed with similar to what we just purchased.. just a little bigger.

I like the tv we moved to the bed room.. it fits nice in the cabinet.. and it's nice having something bigger than the little 12" we had. The newest one in the living room looks big right now. The base [stand] is a little taller.. and that doesn't help. I am sure getting used to it help. I expect I will build a different cabinet for it also.

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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby toypusher » Mon Apr 09, 2018 12:25 pm

They have called for snow the last couple days, but we got nothing. YAAA! :D

Sunny and breezy here for the most part today. Starting to cloud up a bit now. I got my truck inspected this morning and then mowed the lawn for the first time this year. I have a bit of ground cover the I need to take out in the corner of the yard where I took out overgrown bushes last fall. Also, have tons of ground cover that needs to be trimmed back out of and away from the fence. Needs trimmed back along the road too. But I will need a helper to do most of that. Need someone to hold the viney stuff up off the ground while I cut it back. Hoping to get the landlord to come over with his small trackhoe and dig 3 or 4 stumps out for me. Really should mulch around all of the evergreen trees in the back yard, but not sure that will get done any time soon.
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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby Fenlason » Mon Apr 09, 2018 12:49 pm

We have sun... but our temps are in the 20's... and it's quite windy... so it feels quite cold out.

I had a dentist appointment this morning... picked up some groceries.. and have worked outside a little. I am getting ready for a decent gym workout. I drank a little pre-workout and I am just waiting a bit for it.

Yesterday.. we did some "trail" work. We worked on our log skinny area. The area inside the outer loop needed some work. We did some pruning.. cut some stumps.. used the string trimmer. We then did some building. A few years ago we have planned and started building, what will be a figure 8 in the middle. So we can stay on the big loop and change direction without riding off. It will also just give us more skinnies.. with other options. We had previous put in 6 4x4 post. They had been fastened into pairs.. and had temporary 2x6's tying them together lengthwise.

I was happy to find we had a nice pile of pressure treated 2x6's out there already.. so we were able to do some building. I got our beams in place, and the majority of it decked. This section will be the highest off the ground [so far] in this area. It is 2.5' to 3' off the ground. Not horrible but enough to make you think about it.

Well work out time. :D

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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby toypusher » Mon Apr 09, 2018 5:42 pm

Started snowing about 230 this afternoon. Still at it, but nothing is sticking because the temps are above freezing! :)
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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby Fenlason » Tue Apr 10, 2018 9:23 am

Kerry I hope you didn't get much for snow.

We are still cold.. down into the teens.. further north down near zero. We have filtered sun this morning and it's supposed to be clouding up.. with maybe rain or snow later.

Thankfully it's fairly calm this morning. It's warmer.. but it also makes my project easier. I boarded two sides of one of my end walls Because this one is built on a little bit of a slope.. the big door doesn't zip closed. I often just leave it up. Anyways I built these little walls. Two years ago we had to replace the cover on our other one, and we saved the remnants of that cover. At least the more solid parts of it. I am using this as the outer finish for these little walls. I had some house wrap here.. so I used that first. Now I am putting up the cover pieces.

I did a great workout last night. While it's not really a lot I am doing pretty well. For example I am doing more in a bench press than I have done in a LONG time. [perhaps 30 years] In past years I would back off on the more significant weight training around this time of year... and I would be topping out at my 50# dumbbells. Dumbbells are harder to do a heavier weight.. but is maybe easier on the shoulders. With the new weights I purchased.. I did a set at 52# then another at 57# That was after a set of 30# .. another at 40# and then one at 50#.

We have a Mill ride tonight. I am not sure if Dave will be back or not.. he is on the road some today. He might be nearing ending this for the season. [he was going to go through the month.

Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.
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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby toypusher » Tue Apr 10, 2018 1:00 pm

No snow on the ground, just flurries. Still had some this morning, but it is sunny and about 49 degrees right now with a bit of a breeze. They are calling for mid 50s tomorrow, upper 60s for Thursday, upper 70s for Friday and low 80s for Saturday. Maybe spring is finally here? :thinking: :lol:

Starting back to work tomorrow and Thursday or Friday, then back to Tuesdays through Fridays with some Mondays or even Saturdays thrown in. I did get my lawn mowed yesterday morning before the snow started.
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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby Fenlason » Fri Apr 13, 2018 8:15 am

We had some sun yesterday... and temps into the upper 40's.. today is supposed to be a little warmer.. but less sunny. Then we go back to cold. Sunday might not get out of the 20's.. :( The next week sounds cold and rainy..

I puttered here yesterday morning.. I took the snowblower off the tractor.. did some other work on that. Laurie surprised me with taking the afternoon off. So we did some work on the skinny farm. It was a project I needed help on.

Off to the lumber yard this morning and then more work on the skinny farm. Laurie is taking this afternoon off also. We will work here some, then we are going to Dave and Angela's for a bike ride [at 3:30]

Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.
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Re: The new campfire thread...ooooh purrrrty!!!!!!

Postby toypusher » Fri Apr 13, 2018 10:34 am

Sunny and windy today. Supposed to hit low to mid 80s today and tomorrow, then cool back down with lots of rain. I worked 3 hours today by myself and it was nice not having a co-worker there bitching about everything. :lol:
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