by ghcoe » Sat Sep 23, 2017 7:17 am
This is just a test for foam to foam construction. Non of these products, as well as standard Gorilla Glue and Great stuff, have a recommendation for a foam to foam bond, that I can tell.
The Power Grab does mention Foamboard in its list of products that it works with, as does the Gorilla Glue Construction Adhesive and of course the PL 300 which is specific to foamboard use. I had different results from all these products in this test. Some worked well and some worked not so well.
I might also add that the Alex Plus is not even sold as a adhesive let alone recommended for foam bonding, but as a crack and seam filler. Which in my test seems to bond just as well to foam as the PL 300 which is a specific product for foamboard. For the price I would op for the Alex Plus. Would the PL 300 work better once a full cure was achieved? I don't know. That is another test if someone wants to pursue the results.
So you see that this was a test for first hand experiences with different products to try and figure out which adhesives work the best for me. I am sharing my experiences with others so that they can be more informed with their purchases. I encourage others to do tests of their own to prove out what will work for them. There really is limited information about foamie construction so tests like these are needed to help future foamies. In my case I found you had to think out of the box to overcome certain obstacles, such as using Alex Plus as a adhesive. Recommended? no. Works, yes.