Weight loss tips anyone.

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Weight loss tips anyone.

Postby Miriam C. » Fri Jan 02, 2009 11:54 pm

:o Every year I tell my self I am going down 2 sizes and never make it for long. This year I am officially an ole geezerett so I think I better be serious. Any tips or special :twisted: meals.

First on my list was to walk every day.
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Postby bledsoe3 » Sat Jan 03, 2009 12:18 am

Burn more calories than you take in. It's a really simple formula.

It's also easier said than done.
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Postby sdtripper2 » Sat Jan 03, 2009 12:23 am

Protein is the Key ~ for food :Flippin Burger:
Exercise is the Key ~ for firming up the dress size count :D

Meanwhile read these Ideas M
Here is another read.
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Postby Steve_Cox » Sat Jan 03, 2009 12:50 am

Leave off the potatoes, white bread, pasta, cake, cookies, and ice cream. Stick to whole grains and complex carbs the have high fiber. How's that?
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Postby PaulC » Sat Jan 03, 2009 5:58 am

How come all the responses are from Men :thinking:

Paul :thumbsup:
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Postby asianflava » Sat Jan 03, 2009 6:00 am

Oddly enough, try to eat more meals.

This is how I lost 60lbs (the second time):
Eat 5 smaller meals throughout the day. Making sure to have a snack between meals prevents you from over indugling at the regular meals.

Don't totally cut out the carbs but reduce them to about the same as your protein intake. Eat your veggies, make sure to get your 5 servings a day. Drink water at meals to help you get that "Full" feeling.

Excercise 5-6 times a week for no less than 30min or no longer than 60min. Alternate aerobic activity days and strength training days. Alternate upper and lower body during the strength training days.

Take Multi-Vitamin and Fish oil tablet (coated) daily.

When you get into a regular excercise routine, you will actually eat more food (and still loose weight) Excercise is a very important part, but even more important is keeping your mind into it. After a knee injury I mentally wasn't into my workouts. I still ate the same amount even though I stopped working out, hence the need for the third go round. I'm not the picture of fitness, that's why I'm working on doing it a third time.

For a quick tip: Substitute the oil in cake mix recipes with applesauce.
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Postby angib » Sat Jan 03, 2009 7:08 am

Sadly, what works for one person is not necessarily good for another - whether it's the detail of what to eat or the psychological techniques that help you stick to it. So you need to find what works for you, not other people.

For example I found that, contrary to what I thought, giving up breakfast was something that I could achievably do, forever, so that's a couple of hundred calories a day that I can consume at another time.

I think exercise is completely useless for weight loss on me (100 calories is a lot of exercise), but if it helps other people lose weight, then it's a valid weight-loss technique.

Bear in mind that if you're looking for a significant weight loss (say over 30 pounds?) then you will have to permanently change your eating habits - that's permanently as in forever. I think the failure of most people to sustain weight loss (and the statistics are very poor) is not helped by the idea that there's a thing called a diet that you can do for some weeks and then go back to eating what you used to before.

That's enough preaching, eh? Good luck!

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Postby jay » Sat Jan 03, 2009 7:11 am

buy a full length mirror.

stand in front of it everyday when you get out of the shower.

the rest will take care of itself
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Postby Arne » Sat Jan 03, 2009 10:04 am

my office has a tv, which is usually on, as I'm stock market timer, and my office is in my home....

so, I watch these 'I lost 30 pounds and 25 inches in 4 weeks' commercials. why do women's commercials always talk about inches? personally there are places on women I'd like to see them gain inches....

but I digress.... anyway, I watch what these people do.. and they are smiling! Dance routines that would tire me out in about 45 seconds... punching, kick boxing... yada, yada, yada..... like any 'real' person could stick to it for any amount of time without ripping a muscle or pulling a tendon.

My routine is simple. swimming for upper body, and geocaching (basically a 2-3 mile walk in the woods even during the winter) for lower body. I do have a 'total gym 1000' in my office which I use while my computer is doing long runs or backing up.

If you want to lose weight, watch 'the biggest loser' and mimic what they do.... bottom line, turn off the tv and get outside and do something.... anything.... talking about losing weight and getting in shape doesn't work as well as doing something about it.

Today, it is 34 degrees here. I will be outside, bundled up and walking.. because the sun is out and the wind isn't blowing.
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Postby Todah Tear » Sat Jan 03, 2009 3:40 pm

Steve_Cox wrote:Leave off the potatoes, white bread, pasta, cake, cookies, and ice cream. Stick to whole grains and complex carbs the have high fiber. How's that?

Man, you really know how to kill a lunch!! :D

Just joking.

Pineapple, pineapple, pineapple, and exercise. Just walking regularly will burn pounds off in a month or so!

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Postby Miriam C. » Sat Jan 03, 2009 4:59 pm

Todah Tear wrote:
Steve_Cox wrote:Leave off the potatoes, white bread, pasta, cake, cookies, and ice cream. Stick to whole grains and complex carbs the have high fiber. How's that?

Man, you really know how to kill a lunch!! :D

Just joking.

Pineapple, pineapple, pineapple, and exercise. Just walking regularly will burn pounds off in a month or so!


Pineapple Image I love pineapple!

Another tip: Keep a diary for food eaten. Or calories drank. :oops: :roll:
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Postby b.bodemer » Sat Jan 03, 2009 5:35 pm

Hello Miriam,

This past summer I had to give up kayaking to heal my back......an MRI showed I had some problems and a herniated disc. Needless to say with less activity until my back started feeling better I certainly added a few pounds, lost flexibility and stamina.

I liked that you mentioned walking. I'm now committed to stretching every day before I can really tackle some strength training. My goal , besides shedding some weight, is to get back to enjoying kayaking throughout the spring, summer and fall.

Here's something that I found easy to do that is designed around walking, just walking. Get on the scale and get your starting weight. If you have an inactive day take your current weight and times it by 9......that's the number of calories to eat for the day. If you have moderate activity then times your weight by 10. For a very active day then times your weight by 12. That's it. I can lose weight with this formula. And a big thing is once a week I pick a day and don't count anything! Got the formula out of a exercise book about walking.

Counting let's me keep track and keeps me honest and the free day once is a nice reward.

Here's to everyone feeling good and staying healthy this year!
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Postby Miriam C. » Sat Jan 03, 2009 6:02 pm

:shock: Thanks Barb! I am really sorry to hear your back is outtawhack.

A lot of these sound like they will work. Actually put together they sound great.

Paul, maybe women don't have a lot of success so they don't have tips. I am not looking back on what I did in my youth because I was underweight. Actually my thyroid was probably hyper and burning out the only other time I wanted to loose weight. All I did then was walk 20 minutes a day. That is not working.
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Postby martha24 » Sat Jan 03, 2009 9:35 pm

Sounds like you have had a variety of good advice. Andrew is absolutely right in that you have to figure out what works for you and make it a lifestyle and not a diet. I'm still struggling with that one.

I've also heard it said if you don't get enough sleep it can be hard to lose weight, but don't ask me to explain the chemistry behind it.

For many people blood glucose levels effect the body in how it gains or looses weight. The idea of more protein is to lower blood glucose levels. Along with that there is the glycemic index and load of foods that effect blood glucose levels. "High-glycemic foods like rice cakes, bread, and potatoes stress the body's insulin system and probably are chief culprits in obesity." Very low glycemic foods are lettuce, celery, broccoli, squash, tomatoes and other foods of that sort. Fruits would be strawberries and raspberries. Proteins and fats are very low glycemic as well. Foods range from very low on up to high and there are lists that explain what is what. For a while I was really trying to pay attention to the glycemnic load of food and learn about it. I lost a little weight without really trying. I forget what put me off course, but it is time to get back on.
This is an interesting website that talks about it.

I would say of course calories pay a roll as well as how much exercise one gets.
One of my problems is that it takes a lot of time to pay attention to everything I eat and to retrain eating habits. :roll:

Now if I were rich I could just hire someone to prepare all the healthy meals and create portions where I didn't feel like I were starving, that would make losing weight easier. :lol:
Martha ;)

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Postby Miriam C. » Sat Jan 03, 2009 10:04 pm

martha24 wrote:Miriam,
---Snip snip snip---

Now if I were rich I could just hire someone to prepare all the healthy meals and create portions where I didn't feel like I were starving, that would make losing weight easier. :lol:

:lol: :lol: :twisted: Now wouldn't that be fun! And a personal trainer to come over---tell everything to go away and make time for exercise. btw---I am not into sweating for nothing. :(
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