Weight loss tips anyone.

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Postby Todah Tear » Tue Jan 06, 2009 2:32 pm

Kurt (Indiana) wrote:Here's what I use at home for getting music. "The Radio" can find just about any artist or song if you search for it. Give it a try


Thanks for sharing this site. It is fabulous! I found all the "oldie, but goodies" on this site. ...now if I could just figure out how to get a good copy of the tracks downloaded to my computer. Any ideas.

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Postby iplay10us2 » Thu Jan 08, 2009 10:15 pm


Thanks for the welcome on the newbie board.

What I have found that works for me is Weight Watchers online. I joined, and use the points tracker system and have lost 15 lbs since September. I started off eating the frozen meals that I can buy at the grocery store for dinner. I am single, so I didn't have to worry about cooking for someone else and that did make it easier. They do have great recipes online and I am now starting to use them.

I normally walk at least 3 miles a day, play tennis twice a week, and then do other activities, but have had a hard time with weight since my thyroid was removed due to cancer. I found that I have to work harder to keep weight off, and getting older hasn't made it easier.

I didn't follow any dieting during the holidays, so I can 3lbs back, but I know I will lose them soon and get back on track.

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Postby Miriam C. » Thu Jan 08, 2009 10:37 pm

iplay10us2 wrote:Miriam:

Thanks for the welcome on the newbie board.

What I have found that works for me is Weight Watchers online. I joined, and use the points tracker system and have lost 15 lbs since September. I started off eating the frozen meals that I can buy at the grocery store for dinner. I am single, so I didn't have to worry about cooking for someone else and that did make it easier. They do have great recipes online and I am now starting to use them.

I normally walk at least 3 miles a day, play tennis twice a week, and then do other activities, but have had a hard time with weight since my thyroid was removed due to cancer. I found that I have to work harder to keep weight off, and getting older hasn't made it easier.

I didn't follow any dieting during the holidays, so I can 3lbs back, but I know I will lose them soon and get back on track.


Hello again! Had my thyroid cancer out a year ago in Oct. It isn't that I am gaining lots of weight---it is shifting and getting unmuscled and :oops: :lol: I don't mind lookin like a granny just want my clothes to fit right. And loosing a few sizes would make my Dr happier.

I will look over the Weight Watchers. Most of the prepared meals have milk or egg products so I avoid them.

Thanks for the suggestions. :thumbsup:
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Postby enigmak » Sun Jan 11, 2009 12:11 pm

If you are wanting to watch what you eat, try joining sparkpeople.com. It's free and has most of the same stuff weight watchers does, but free. I like it because I can log all of the food I have eaten through out the day and it will count everything for me. I know how many calories I have used and how many more I can have in a day at a glance. It also has recipes, an exercise section that will help you with an exercise program just for you and track what you have done. This has helped me to see what I eat and how little I actually exercise. Again it is free so that is also what I like about it.
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Postby Gaelen » Sun Jan 11, 2009 3:25 pm

Men and women lose weight *very* differently (I love these commercials: my husband and I started eating salads. This is what he lost...cut to slim guy silhouette. This is how I lost weight...cut to woman silhouette with smaller boobs and no slimming anywhere else!) Very, very typical! 8)

I control carbs (all carbs, not just refined ones--as was said, the typical USDA carb ration is about equal to what you'd give a feedlot animal to fatten it up...)
I make sure to get adequate protein, roughly 1/2 gram per pound of body weight (or 1 gm per pound of lean body mass, if you know that number.)
I don't worry about fat intake, except to be sure it's not partially hydrogenated or overused frying oil.

For me, that's 40-50g carbs per day for weight loss, and 80-85g carbs/day for maintenance, along with between 75 and 90 grams of protein per day. That works out to between 1400 and 1600 calories, but I don't usually worry about that number--the difference between the carbs/protein calories and total calories is fat intake. Another online tracking tool is www.fitday.com which tracks weight, food intake, exerciser and several other things, and has both a website and PC version.

I've been doing that since Feb. 2002, through healthy times and while on chemo treatment. I switch to maintenance levels when I'm on chemo...it's just easier. I lost the original 40 lbs I wanted to lose, the 65 lbs I gained from the steroids used in my second chemo treatment where I was on some version of steroids for 21 out of every 28 days, and now I'm back at 45 grams carbs per day or less to get rid of the 18 extra pounds from the steroids in the chemo I finished just before Thanksgiving. My cholesterol ratios are textbook perfect, my blood pressure is around 110/70, and my fasting blood glucose is around 88-90...exactly the same great bloodwork I had before my cancer dx. Side benefit--unanticipated, but gratefully accepted--is that I no longer have migraines. Ever.

I also exercise--walk daily, and do at minimum yoga stretches every other day. When I'm stronger, I walk and do yoga every day, and do stair work for 10 minutes every other day (still working up to that one....)

If these steroid 18 are like the weight I gained during the last chemo, then I should be at a healthier weight by the middle of 2009, and be able to go back to maintaining. The plain is pretty straightforward, emphasizes whole, minimally processed foods, and can be followed as a vegetarian or even as a vegan if that's your preference. Avoiding dairy is also easy to do on the plan, since nothing is forbidden. You get to choose what protein sources you want to use, and you're encouraged to keep veggies and fruits as your primary carb sources. The plan was designed by and is maintained and regularly updated by a husband-wife team of (now retired) bariatric specialist MDs. More plan info and support is available free at www.proteinpower.com (yes, that Gaelen is me.)

Hope this helps!
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Postby annalbs » Sun Jan 11, 2009 3:53 pm

I also recommend weight watchers... there are tons of recipes on their site and you can adapt any recipes you currently use. i have done weight watchers in the past and lost 70 lbs. unfortunately i gained it back when i stopped watching what i ate and quit exercising. but now i'm back on track and determined to lose the weight again. i like weight watchers because its not about restrictions. you can still eat the foods you enjoy but its more about portion control and adding in food that help fill you up so you don't get hungry often. anyway hope this helps. another suggestion is to eat off smaller plates. that helps your brain think its getting the same amount of food as before but you are eating less.
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