New Pup

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Postby Todah Tear » Fri Jan 28, 2011 1:40 am

I see Paddy has caught up in weight with the cat. Does the cat still rule.:) .

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Postby b.bodemer » Wed Feb 09, 2011 7:35 pm

Yes Todah the cat still rules.

Paddy had to have surgery on her bladder last Friday. At the time of her spay, because of repeated UTI's that were no clearing up on antibiotics, part of her bladder was removed that had a small bump out.

She still had bladder infections so a scope showed more areas not visible at the time of the spay. Paddy sure looked pretty sad having to undergo a surgery. For days she needed to go out every two hours to empty her bladder........and then blood came out which was expected due to the procedure.

Last night Paddy slept 8 hours!!!!! Almost back to normal overnight. Today she still needs to go out a lot but the blood is gone. My vet said all her other plumbing looked great and that her bladder will heal and she'll be back to her old self with great potty training results again. I'm used to her sleeping 9 hours, sometimes 10. You know that a Jack Russell has to slept well to be ready for the next day!
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Re: New Pup

Postby PanelDeland » Fri Mar 16, 2012 9:32 pm

I just saw this and wanted to post a great site for those trying times.
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