Ok was able to get some stuff done on the tear cabinets today. Been sanding and polyurethaning since yesterday and started putting together this evening, would have done more but had to go to Doc this morning and my sugar dropped so bad this afternoon I kind of had a few problems.
So here is what I did today:
Galley base cabinets pocketscrewed braces connecting with bulkhead
Bulkhead with upper galley and cabin floor on top
Upper galley face
Cabin interior face frame
and cut ctop down but not trimmed to fit between the walls yet
I gave up the plywood for fillers from work except for the bulkhead and uppercabinet bottom. Our fillers are maple and after sanding the old finish off turned out mostly pretty except one which I figure for some reason was a cherry. I didn't change it out because its still beautiful and I like the contrast. I will be checking our wharehouse for door samples they are throwing away to use as upper galley doors and the single base cabinet door. The upper will have 4 doors and the lower will have microwave on the right side, cabinet center, and drawers on the left. Inside cabinet will be 2 cabinets on outsides and cubby hole in center.
Tomorrow I hope to finish getting the cabinets together and the walls of the tear up. Well been a long day and still not feeling good so will head to bed for now.