by Arne » Mon Apr 10, 2006 8:22 am
Until I got a crop of trailers, when I had only one, I always used an extension cord for wiring my trailer. I was very sturdy, had an outside sheath and worked well..... 3 wires with an iffy ground through the trailer ball.... I could hear static in the radio when I hit bumps the ground came and went and the lights flickered..... I even used the 3 prong plug....
Unfortunately with multiple trailers and 6-to-4 converters, I'm gone straight and now have the same crappy wiring as most others....... but, even the junk they sell is not that bad if used correctly (my way/g/).....
First and foremost, I secure it every foot or so (the state law here says it must be secured every 18"). Where it passes through holes in the frame, I goop some silicon on so it won't chaf.... I could run it through tubing, but don't know if that buys me a lot, as where the tube is, the wire is out of the sun anyway... Actually, considering the wiring is outside, it works pretty well.... if I get more anal than I am, I'll put amorall or something on the exposed-to-the-sun portion, something with uv protection... that will fix them buggers.... I'd still like a better plug, but I keep it clean and it works most of the time.