Anybody doing any Prepping??

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Re: Anybody doing any Prepping??

Postby universal_exports » Fri Nov 23, 2012 8:38 pm

I'll admit it, I am a prepper, it just makes sense, I am NOT planning on the Government to be there to rescue me if things go south, whether it be Hurricane, earthquake, dirty bomb, volcano what ever I plan on taking care of me and mine. I have guns, food, ammo a big burkey water purifier, stored water, 45 watt solar kit, lots of propane and fuel stored etc. and a place to go hide if it gets real bad. my Shasta camper will be our home.

I even have a dedicated prepper room. yeah, I am a little prepared.








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Re: Anybody doing any Prepping??

Postby Roly Nelson » Sat Nov 24, 2012 1:56 am

When the highly disputed disaster finally catches up with me, and I have used up the stock of pork and beans in my teardrop trailer, I would be ready to check out, since I don't want to defend myself from the non preppers that will try to steal my stuff. I had planned to live to be a hundred-plus, but if worse comes to worse, fighting the hungry hordes, just isn't my cup of tea..........Bang!
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Re: Anybody doing any Prepping??

Postby 48Rob » Sat Nov 24, 2012 8:34 am

I don't want to defend myself from the non preppers that will try to steal my stuff. I had planned to live to be a hundred-plus, but if worse comes to worse, fighting the hungry hordes, just isn't my cup of tea..........Bang!

It is the same unsolved dilemma that I can't yet come to a conclusion on...

I'm happy to share what I have with others in my community, as being part of a group is always preferable to being a lone wolf.
If each and every person would simply stock a few months worth of food and water and basic personal supplies, we as a country would be just like our great grandparents who stocked up not for some end of the world disaster, but because it was what everyone did before there were grocery and drug stores on every corner to run to 4 times a week.

We would all make it through whatever disruption came along.

Now however, those who do not prepare will be faced with the possibility of watching their children starve, freeze to death, etc.
Under such circumstances, the nicest, kindest, most churchgoing person will "do what it takes" to get supplies to save their own.
Sharing only goes so far before the ill prepared use up everything put back by those who did prepare.

Then what?

Anyone on the fence should forget about all the "end of the world hype" and simply make the choice to be responsible enough to prepare for a basic short term situation by having enough food, water, and heat source for their own loved ones.
The other people who have prepared, and the government and charity organizations while helpful at times, have proven time and again that they can't help everyone, in time to prevent tragedy.

Reserving a bullet for one’s self may be the answer for an individual, but what about your children, your mother and father, sisters and brothers?

It is so simple and easy to buy a few extra supplies :thinking:

Waiting for "someday" will leave you on your deathbed wondering why you didn't just rearrange your priorities and enjoy the time you had, instead of waiting for a "better" time to come along...
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Re: Anybody doing any Prepping??

Postby NathanL » Sat Nov 24, 2012 8:59 am

Roly Nelson wrote:When the highly disputed disaster finally catches up with me, and I have used up the stock of pork and beans in my teardrop trailer, I would be ready to check out, since I don't want to defend myself from the non preppers that will try to steal my stuff. I had planned to live to be a hundred-plus, but if worse comes to worse, fighting the hungry hordes, just isn't my cup of tea..........Bang!
:x :R :FNP Roly

If history is any indication lots of people "say" that before something goes tits up and then they come around quickly when it's staring them in the face and survival takes over.
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Re: Anybody doing any Prepping??

Postby honeask » Sat Nov 24, 2012 10:45 am

I'm with you Roly, I don't think I'm up for starting the world all over again. I might have the food and the generator but I don't think anyone would have enough ammo to protect it all or the energy drinks to stay awake to carry it out.

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Re: Anybody doing any Prepping??

Postby bdosborn » Sat Nov 24, 2012 11:46 am

Read the book "One Second After", it's a real eye opener. From Amazon:

"New York Times best selling author William R. Forstchen now brings us a story which can be all too terrifyingly real...a story in which one man struggles to save his family and his small North Carolina town after America loses a war, in one second, a war that will send America back to the Dark Ages...A war based upon a weapon, an Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP). A weapon that may already be in the hands of our enemies.

Months before publication, One Second After has already been cited on the floor of Congress as a book all Americans should read, a book already being discussed in the corridors of the Pentagon as a truly realistic look at a weapon and its awesome power to destroy the entire United States, literally within one second. It is a weapon that the Wall Street Journal warns could shatter America. In the tradition of On the Beach, Fail Safe and Testament, this book, set in a typical American town, is a dire warning of what might be our future...and our end."

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Re: Anybody doing any Prepping??

Postby honeask » Sat Nov 24, 2012 12:45 pm

Slow, I never thought I would say this but we agree on something 100%. :thumbsup: I hate all those "end of the world as we know it" movies and TV series. Some of that is more real than all the vampire and werewolf movies so it bothers me the most. That gun you need to pull on someone could be your neighbor, postman or even a son or nephew. Don't even want to ponder that. Every man for themselves is definitely not a campfire talk I want to have.

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Re: Anybody doing any Prepping??

Postby NathanL » Sat Nov 24, 2012 1:04 pm

bdosborn wrote:Read the book "One Second After", it's a real eye opener. From Amazon:

"New York Times best selling author William R. Forstchen now brings us a story which can be all too terrifyingly real...a story in which one man struggles to save his family and his small North Carolina town after America loses a war, in one second, a war that will send America back to the Dark Ages...A war based upon a weapon, an Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP). A weapon that may already be in the hands of our enemies.

Months before publication, One Second After has already been cited on the floor of Congress as a book all Americans should read, a book already being discussed in the corridors of the Pentagon as a truly realistic look at a weapon and its awesome power to destroy the entire United States, literally within one second. It is a weapon that the Wall Street Journal warns could shatter America. In the tradition of On the Beach, Fail Safe and Testament, this book, set in a typical American town, is a dire warning of what might be our future...and our end."


You don't even have to read that. Look no further than the news. Any area even remotely near a metro area can't seem to function more than 24 hours without power. Everytime a hurricane, tsunami, snowstorm, or earthquake hits the news it's full of people that can't even feed themself for 3 days after said emergency which is totally foreign to me.

The I-10 overpass in New Orleans next to the superdome made lots of headlines, but 95% of those people were living in multi story housing projects (and not all could have been living on the first floor) who ran out of water in the first 24 hours. Tells me they didn't even fill up containers with water, bath tubs etc.. at home.
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Re: Anybody doing any Prepping??

Postby toolman » Sat Nov 24, 2012 1:14 pm

I (we) are not really doing any prepping. I live out in the country, so there is plenty of wildlife to hunt, if needed. We do raise some vegetables in a garden and could expand our planting if it was required.

We have a large lake (Bull Shoals Lake) not too far from our place. That means there are plenty of fish to catch!
The dotted line is the state line between MO and AR.

I would like to get a generator to run the well pump and other electrical items for comfort. I also NEED to run my oxygen compressor to fill my breathing tanks. It would be real nice to have some form of transportation to get around the area that used little or no fuel. I'm not really into horses; I only rode one once when I was a kid. Maybe a scooter? I used to ride motorcycles, but I don't have one now. :( I loved to ride! :)

I picked up 6 of those little solar path lights at Walmart last year when they had a closeout for .50 each. They are great for use when the power goes out. Cheap, free lighting.

The only reason I would need to "bug out" would be if my place was damaged by either a tornado (unlikely) or an earthquake on the New Madrid Falt. Actually, all we would need is a place to sleep. A tear drop trailer would be great for that! :) No real reason to leave if I have a place to sleep!

If anyone in the area ever needs to bug out your more than welcome to come and park at my place. There is plenty of space. Just bring a place to sleep as our one bedroom, one bath cabin is small! In fact, if you just need a place to park for the night there is plenty of room as you can see!

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Re: Anybody doing any Prepping??

Postby Woodbutcher » Sat Nov 24, 2012 2:49 pm

I can take care of myself for a few weeks without much problem. We do have a country home far enough from a major city to be safe. While I have never thought about "prepping" in the past, the last few years have made me rethink that some. We do teeter on the edge of catastrophe in this country when it comes to our power grid. I have NO faith in our government to shore it up either. We have become a nation that reacts to problems instead of looking for solutions before there is a crisis. So maybe there is something to all these prepping people. By accident I found a prepper show last night that had about 4 episodes in a row. Like any good train wreck I could not stop watching. There were some excellent tips on food preservation. Weapons were a must have for both protection and a means to hunt. An exit route was important. If I need to keep eggs fresh for 9 months or make cheese last 20 years I now know how to do it. Will I need it ? Most likely not. But if so, the smartest best prepared survives. Most of the preppers were in my opinion overly concerned about the end and lost some of the joy of living because of their obsession. To me a happy medium makes sense.
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Re: Anybody doing any Prepping??

Postby 48Rob » Sat Nov 24, 2012 3:05 pm

But if so, the smartest best prepared survives. Most of the preppers were in my opinion overly concerned about the end and lost some of the joy of living because of their obsession. To me a happy medium makes sense.


Being prepared to take care of yourself for a short period makes perfect sense.
Some of the preppers are a bit overboard I think, but then the source must also be given serious consideration...

Though we are over run with "reality" TV. many if not most of those shows would be a complete flop if the directors didn't search out the most off the wall "colorful" much for reality...

I question the motives of those who run around showing off their supplies and weapons to the nation proclaiming the end of the world.
Seems very self serving.
The ones who are truly prepared and able to defend themselves are the quiet ones who sit back and prepare for reality, such as snowstorms, hurricanes, and the like, while trying to encourage their friends and neighbors to do the same.

Waiting for "someday" will leave you on your deathbed wondering why you didn't just rearrange your priorities and enjoy the time you had, instead of waiting for a "better" time to come along...
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Re: Anybody doing any Prepping??

Postby Woodbutcher » Sat Nov 24, 2012 4:04 pm

Rob says..
[The ones who are truly prepared and able to defend themselves are the quiet ones who sit back and prepare for reality, such as snowstorms, hurricanes, and the like, while trying to encourage their friends and neighbors to do the same.]

Your right Rob, But those people don't make for interesting TV. :lol:
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Re: Anybody doing any Prepping??

Postby Junkboy999 » Sat Nov 24, 2012 5:51 pm

As an X military man I usually have a bag packed for natural disaster.

As for Dec 21 2012 ... all I got to say is ....


Edit changed the 12 to 21 in the line above
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Re: Anybody doing any Prepping??

Postby LDK » Sun Nov 25, 2012 8:46 am

I'm not very well prepared at all but I guess I am ok in the firearm and ammo dept. What i really need and have been putting off is a generator. A few years back we had a really nasty ice storm and about half of the city lost power for several days. I have a kerosene heater and that kept us warm but it sure would've been nice to have lights and a means to use our electric stove and microwave. If it ever gets road warrior bad well I guess were all doomed. at least about 95% of us. :frightened:
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Re: Anybody doing any Prepping??

Postby stumphugger » Sun Nov 25, 2012 10:50 am

NathanL wrote:
stumphugger wrote:Scout out gas stations with generators. The gas station down the road from me has a big generator they share with the water company to pump water up the tower next door and they always have the ability to pump gas. Of course if you live in an area with a 100 people per acre you probably are just going to be sitting in line either way.

Our repeated disaster is flooding. We have 3 gas stations within 7 miles of me. Two would be cut off, and the one is likely to sell out in a day. One is located where it gets flooded. We can't get much of anywhere when the floods and mudslides hit. It is a good time to stay put, and get some reading done. That's another thing--I have a cache of books to supply my entertainment during such events.

When we had a big flood, my neighborhood became and island. We could get to one minimart/gas station and they were sold out of gas in less than a day. Probably because people with generators were filling up their gas cans.

I do not need a generator. I have planned around NOT having a generator. It is possible to do so. Our outages are usually in the winter and lows are in the 30s or 40s so perishables can be kept outside, in my shop building, for refrigeration. Or in the little trailer refrigerator until the propane runs out.

No thank you. I get around well on my bicycle and feet, and have canned stuff for a few weeks, or maybe longer. Should things go longer, we have deer and elk lurking about--I have friends who are good hunters. We were laughing about the whole Prepper thing. They said they'd come and get me--I said I'd load up my treadle sewing machine and bike, that way we could create our own clothing line and be fairly fashionable. :)
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