Ha! Surprised to see this post in New posts area...
I've continued to use this switch with no problems. I rewired it late last summer because my original lamp zip cord (old, used, salvaged) looked and felt brittle. I'll post some pics if you are interested in the interior workings of the switch.
I keep it in the shower tent area when in use. It gets splashed but doesn't stand in water. I originally bought two switches cause they were very cheap and took forever to ship. Can't remember the source other than it was probably ebay.
I found I use less than two gallons per shower. Was using a 5 Gal Homer bucket until last fall. I ended up buying an Igloo two gallon insulated water jug and converted it into the shower bucket. Now the water I heat (or my solar bag heats) stays warm longer. On a trip to Boudary Waters last year the homer bucket lost a lot of heat as I was trying to heat water in small batches. It was in the 40s and it was a battle on the propane stove trying to heat three gallons.