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Postby mke_sc » Thu Feb 15, 2007 1:21 pm

Well, I mean here in Brazil there's no nude women elsewhere, as some could believe... :FNP ... but in privateness... A travel trailer under the stars could be a nice place to make babies... hahaha
Thank you for your offer, Mary, if you can send it to me by e-mail. I have some dwg files that I've got from this site: http://www.angib.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/teardrop/tear00.htm
I believe the site belongs to the same Andrew (or angib) from England who Paul C. and Julie was talking about. A nice work! At this time I'm taking information about several kinds of TD (remember, this is absolutely new to me) to decide what's up to me. I prefer the appearence of natural wood instead aluminium or sheet metal, but I know the inconveniences to mantain it. Maybe wood sidewalls/sheet aluminium roof could be nice. Just dreaming. I've just took a look at the Benroy Plans. Nice work too! It will be very usefull. I'm taking an overall look at the forum, to avoid stupid asking :crazy:

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Postby rbeemer » Thu Feb 15, 2007 2:03 pm


To help you in your qwest for knowledge, I would recommend these 2 links at the top of the page

1. sdtripper2's index
2. Trailer Tutorial

Have fun and remember to always bring your sense of humor with you, it will save your sanity.

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Postby Ira » Thu Feb 15, 2007 2:24 pm

Falando sério, Marcus, bem-vindo a este site!

Você está prestes a começar uma jornada incrível, e logo se tornará obcecado com a construção do seu trailer.   Há muitos caminhos diferentes para chegar ao mesmo resultado, e alguns dos caras neste site vão aos extremos e constroem demais.  Eu, particularmente, sou muito desajeitado, então fiz o melhor que pude com o meu baixo nível técnico e as ferramentas que estavam ao meu dispor.

Quanto ao estilo, vc já tem algumas idéias?  De madeira, ou forrado com alumínio?

Como já escrevi antes, é provável que queira utilizar um frame forte e resistente com uma boa suspensão.  Sim, sei que as estradas no Brasil são modernas, mas vai querer também viajar pelos campos ou no mato onde pode existir estrada ou não.  Seria uma pena não construi-lo para resistir ao estresse causado pelos "acidentes da natureza".

De qq modo, foi o meu colega cá no escritório que já morou no Brasil que traduziu estas palavras para que eu pudesse confundir todos os participantes deste site com a minha baita inteligência...[Nota do tradutor:  e ele me disse que seria apenas uma frase para traduzir!]

E também, se abordar um assunto político neste site, tenha cuidado:  há muitos direitistas/conservadores que andam por aqui!
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Re: Hello from Brazil

Postby angib » Thu Feb 15, 2007 6:25 pm

mke_sc wrote:As an architect, first step is to make a project, in fact, to adapt the dimensions to metric scale and to the dimensions of the equipment/materials available in Brazil.

Marcus, welcome.

You may have to convert to metric (though I do have one metric design - the Superleggera), but I bet your plywood comes in 2440x1220mm (or maybe 3050x1525mm) sheets - which just happens to be 8 feet x 4 feet........

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Postby Steve_Cox » Thu Feb 15, 2007 9:00 pm

Ira wrote:Falando sério, Marcus, bem-vindo a este site!

Você está prestes a começar uma jornada incrível, e logo se tornará obcecado com a construção do seu trailer. Há muitos caminhos diferentes para chegar ao mesmo resultado, e alguns dos caras neste site vão aos extremos e constroem demais. Eu, particularmente, sou muito desajeitado, então fiz o melhor que pude com o meu baixo nível técnico e as ferramentas que estavam ao meu dispor.

Quanto ao estilo, vc já tem algumas idéias? De madeira, ou forrado com alumínio?

Como já escrevi antes, é provável que queira utilizar um frame forte e resistente com uma boa suspensão. Sim, sei que as estradas no Brasil são modernas, mas vai querer também viajar pelos campos ou no mato onde pode existir estrada ou não. Seria uma pena não construi-lo para resistir ao estresse causado pelos "acidentes da natureza".

De qq modo, foi o meu colega cá no escritório que já morou no Brasil que traduziu estas palavras para que eu pudesse confundir todos os participantes deste site com a minha baita inteligência...[Nota do tradutor: e ele me disse que seria apenas uma frase para traduzir!]

E também, se abordar um assunto político neste site, tenha cuidado: há muitos direitistas/conservadores que andam por aqui!

Well said Ira, even if you had help from someone in your office. I especially liked the warning at the end. :thumbsup: :D
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Postby Miriam C. » Thu Feb 15, 2007 9:16 pm

:lol: 8) Ira I have a word for you. Babbelfish. :lol: Eu sou um conservador e orgulhoso dele. Boa vinda ao Web site Marcus and family.
Last edited by Miriam C. on Fri Feb 16, 2007 7:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby angib » Fri Feb 16, 2007 4:47 am

Miriam C. wrote:Ira I have a word for you. Babblefish.

Yes, I particularly liked "I, particularly, very am disfigured...."

In case anyone wants to look for it, it's Babelfish, rather than Babblefish. And here is the Babelfish explanation.

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Postby Ira » Fri Feb 16, 2007 6:03 am

My coworker who translated that for me lived in Brazil--does it really translate into "disfigured?" It was supposed to read, "I myself am spastic."

And Steve--GOOD CATCH!!!

And Miriam--you consider yourself a Conservative? I don't see that at ALL.
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Postby mke_sc » Fri Feb 16, 2007 9:05 am

Be aware of Babelfish! It works only in Douglas Adams' books. :D
I've tried once to use that and the result was very funny, as the words translated by Miriam :lol: But don't be afraid: I will try to write in english, to avoid misunderstandings. Please forgive if my rusted english is not too good.
What you americans consider a conservative or non-conservative? In my case, I would like to live in a world where all people could live with dignity, in a sustainable way, doesn't matter if poor or rich, black or white, but respecting to the other's point of view. I'm a conservative or non-conservative? These words means nothing to me at these days. I'm just doing my part to leave a good place for my kid to live on.
Well, I believe this subject ends here, let's talk about teardrops!
As I told before, I love the natural look of real wood, but I'm worry about the sealment in this case. Another doubt: glue or screws?
Matchpoint to Andrew. This is precisely the dimensions available for the plywood sheets. Despite the use of metric scale overall, some materials are based in inches, due to exportation (some of you can have brazilian plywood at your trailer). Thank you and congratulations for your work.

Just a few words for Ira and his personal Babelfish:
Ira, estou arduamente tentando entender e me fazer entender com meu inglês macarrônico (quero ver o babelfish traduzir essa), o brabo (essa também vai sair engraçada) é entender as gírias e alguns termos técnicos, mas já estou pegando o jeito. Minha idéia é construir o trailer em madeira, como o teu, aqui é um material barato, já que há várias fábricas de compensado por aqui. Aliás, teu teardrop tá muito criativo, parabéns. Só por curiosidade, onde teu camarada morou no Brasil? Um abraço.

Regards for all and please don't fight. Politicians don't deserve our energy spending! :lol:
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Postby Miriam C. » Fri Feb 16, 2007 9:42 am

8) We are sorry Marcus. We really aren't fighting, we just like to joke a lot. We really should not do that when other people may not understand. ;)

The really active members here are like one big family. With all its differences. We still love Teardrops, TTT's and This website. :D

I look forward to seeing your teardrop. We really do love to see pictures of just about everything so feel free to share yours as often as you like.

:lol: So Marcus, I have given you the website it seems. Enjoy :lol:
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Postby Ira » Fri Feb 16, 2007 9:49 am

You mean I haven't been fighting all of this time?

You just took all of the FUN out of it for me!!!
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Postby Ira » Fri Feb 16, 2007 9:58 am

mke_sc wrote:I would like to live in a world where all people could live with dignity, in a sustainable way, doesn't matter if poor or rich, black or white, but respecting to the other's point of view.

These concepts have nothing to do with Conservatism.
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Postby Ira » Fri Feb 16, 2007 11:03 am

A definição de “conservador” no atual âmbito político americano é de
apoiar cegamente as políticas provenientes da Casa Branca, ou seja,
apoiar a guerra no Iraque, promover a hegemonia e a hiperpotência dos EUA, acreditar que este país tem o direito, dado por meios divinos, de agir com impunidade quanto aos outros povos e culturas neste mundo. É de acreditar que os pobres são pobres porque merecem ser, e os ricos são ricos porque são de melhor caráter. É de crer que a violência é a resposta correta aos problemas mundiais, e que os apelos à paz e à dignidade humana são sinais de fraqueza que devem ser tratados com desprezo.

Opa, morei dois anos no Rio, onde fiz faculdade na PUC na Gávea, mas
conheço bem São Paulo, passei um mês no Ceará, e tenho um amigo que vem de Fraiburgo. Aliás, na próxima visita, quero conhecer o Sul,
especialmente Florianópolis e o litoral catarinense, é uma região linda do Brasil.

Gee, my Portuguese is getting GOOD!
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Postby mke_sc » Thu Feb 22, 2007 9:14 am

Hi, everybody.
Sorry if I'm disappeared since last friday. I just came from a little trip to the beach at Balneario Camboriu (three hours from here) for the Carnaval holidays. Not camping, unafortunately, but at my wife's father apartment.
I know the most of you like to joke. Me too, so the joke about Carnaval and nude women, :D. So never mind, I'm feeling home here!
I've decided to start my album, with some vacancy and holiday pictures, since my project is just begining. Please wait until tomorow.

Mary K, thanks for the Autocad file. The metric conversion was successfull!

My little message to Ira: In fact I understand the actual definition to conservative and I would like to expand this conversation. I belive we have the same point of view. Sometimes it's easier to understand a situation from the outside, but sometimes not. Won't you prefer to do it in private to not bore the rest with this off-topic? Send me a private message and of course, if someone else wants to join this discussion, feel free to do it.
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Postby Classic Finn » Sun Feb 25, 2007 1:52 pm

Marcus K

Welcome to the world of Teardrops.... I thought also to say that there is life outside of Europe as well, And also we use the Metric System here in the Country of Reindeer... Finland..

I know very well how it is to get started on a teardrop by yourself...But also on the same token its a matter of pride to have the only one around.

So again Welcome Markus... Ohh yes Brazil....Nice wood from your Country... :thumbsup: :applause: :applause:

Ask a lot of questions... these folks here are a very friendly bunch... ohh and they are not shy... :lol: :lol: :lol:

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