Well I'm pretty impressed with this foam coat stuff. I looked at it after I got home from work tonight and am pretty happy with how the sample turned out. Just as a recap, I took a piece of 1" pink foam board, put on the mesh that they (Hot Wire Foam Factory) sell and covered it with their Foam Coat with the Boost additive. I'm hoping for this coating to make the foam structurally stronger.
My concern last night was that it was going to be heavy. After letting it dry overnight, I discovered that it didn't add too much weight. IMO
Here's a couple pics
This is how it looked after it dried. With the exception of the spot I stuck my finger in while it was drying and some pin holes, it dried pretty smooth and very hard. I tried denting it with my knuckle and just ended up hurting my knuckle. My son thought I put tile on the foam. Can't put a finger nail mark in it. I may try to stick a nail in it after another coat or two. I put on about a 1/4" layer of the stuff. I'll need to figure out how to keep it from running down the sides. Maybe some painters tape? The company says it's almost bullet proof... maybe with enough layers it'll be bear resistant? LOL!
I also tried pulling the mesh off and after pulling REALLY hard, I did manage to pull it off one edge. I used the spare mesh to pull on it. Can't get underneath the coating to pull at the mesh otherwise. I barely covered the mesh along the side (it was more like stuff that spilled over that I spread out) and still had to give it a real good pull. I'm sure now that I got it off, it would be easier to pull it all the way off, but I don't see that as a real world test. Nobody is going to be pulling on any loose mesh (there won't be any) Here's the pic:
I'm going to give it another coat. The company says you can put this stuff on in multiple 3/8" layers, but in a weight saving effort, I think I will try to stay under 3/8" total for multiple layers.
So far so good. The product so far stands up to the company claims. Pretty rare now days.
The tests will continue! If this stuff continues to test well, I'll be using it on my Road Foamie