"The X-Cubed" C.T.T.

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"The X-Cubed" C.T.T.

Postby absolutsnwbrdr » Thu Jan 16, 2014 11:58 am

Well, I've been in the planning stages for quite a while, but figured its time to start a thread. This will be my third trailer since joining the forum in 2010. :twisted:

It'll actually be the 4th trailer I've designed though. Last winter my good friend decided he wanted a teardrop for he and his wife, so we sat down at my computer and drew one up to suit their needs. I helped him build it last winter and they did quite a few trips in the past year.

So for this winter, the plan was to sell my current trailer, The X-II, and then start on the new design. Well the X-II is still hanging around, but that's not going to stop the new build. The show must go on!! Although, all the money I have tied up in the X-II will keep the new build at a snails pace until the right person comes along to scoop it up.

On with the details....

The original plan was to do a full custom frame with torsion axle. Well I got some quotes on the custom frame and they were a bit higher than I expected. So I toned it back and decided on the Northern Tool 5x8 kit. However, I will be ditching the leaf spring and axle from the kit, and still going with a Dexter torsion axle. I'll also be replacing the 12" wheels/tires with 15" aluminum wheels and radial tires.

Using the NT kit as a base allows for a few things:
1. Its saving me about $700, compared to the custom frame (this money saved will go towards the new axle, wheels, and tires)
2. It comes with a VIN number and Certificate of Origin, which will make registration much easier than a full custom trailer
3. I can sell the stock axle/springs, wheels/tires, fenders, and lights on Craigslist (or here) and get a few dollars to put back into the trailer build

The X-Cubed is a modified mini-hopper/weekender design, with a trolley-top and angled nose. And you know I couldn't completely abandon the convertible concept, so a 4' wide by 4'-8" long section of the trolley top will be hinged so that it can lift up, exposing a screened roof section. That hinged section of roof will also have two 15" x 44" cell-cast clear acrylic panels to let light in. The rear of the trolley top will also have an acrylic window.

Overall body length will be about 10'-5" and it will be 60" wide on the inside. Walls will be insulated stick-framed, and 3/16" skins inside and out. Overall height will be 6'-8" (empty) so it will still fit in my garage. Overall width (with custom fenders) will be 80". Doors will be the factory-style 26x36. The tongue will be modified just as I did on the HF trailers.

And of course it will have all the "bells & whistles" of The X-II. There will be two 100W solar panels - one on the roof, and one on the rear hatch. There will be remote control LED lighting throughout, a stereo system with speakers inside and out, two deep cycle batteries, fantastic fan, etc, etc, etc. Both the rear hatch and the operable roof will have gas struts and locks.

I present to you, the "X-Cubed Compact Travel Trailer"

The bones of the design....


A possible paint scheme (but we all know I'll change my mind a dozen times)....


As usual, I'm definitely more than excited to start building! This one will be a challenge, but I'm really looking forward to it!

Build Thread Index

02/20/2014 - Northern Tool 5x8 Trailer Kit Arrives - viewtopic.php?p=1065431#p1065431
02/22/2014 - Kit Assembled & Torflex Axle Info - viewtopic.php?p=1065563#p1065563
03/03/2014 - Tongue Extension Info - viewtopic.php?p=1067349#p1067349
03/11/2014 - Sawdust - viewtopic.php?p=1068734#p1068734
03/18/2014 - Battery Cage - viewtopic.php?p=1070019#p1070019
03/21/2014 - Floor Assembly - viewtopic.php?p=1070309#p1070309
03/23/2014 - Begin Wall Framing - viewtopic.php?p=1070681#p1070681
03/30/2014 - Skinning the Walls/ Starting Galley Bulkhead - viewtopic.php?p=1071734#p1071734
04/01/2014 - Hinge Spar & Galley Counter - viewtopic.php?p=1072208#p1072208
04/06/2014 - Upper Galley / Trolley Top Framing - viewtopic.php?p=1072879#p1072879
04/12/2014 - Main Roof Framing - viewtopic.php?p=1073696#p1073696
04/14/2014 - Interior Ceiling Panels - viewtopic.php?p=1074106#p1074106
04/16/2014 - Wheels and Tires - viewtopic.php?p=1074377#p1074377
04/20/2014 - Upper galley and Interior - viewtopic.php?p=1074963#p1074963
04/20/2014 - Hatch Construction - viewtopic.php?p=1075045#p1075045
04/23/2014 - Roof Hatch - viewtopic.php?p=1075469#p1075469
04/24/2014 - Wiring Diagram - viewtopic.php?p=1075697#p1075697
04/29/2014 - Interior Paint - viewtopic.php?p=1076540#p1076540
05/01/2014 - Wiring and LED's - viewtopic.php?p=1076877#p1076877
05/06/2014 - Roof Skins - viewtopic.php?p=1077556#p1077556
05/09/2014 - Wiring Stereo and Batteries - viewtopic.php?p=1077941#p1077941
05/10/2014 - Wiring PD4045 Power Center - viewtopic.php?p=1078126#p1078126
05/14/2014 - Exterior Skins - viewtopic.php?p=1078768#p1078768
05/20/2014 - Hatch Lights - viewtopic.php?p=1079516#p1079516
05/27/2014 - Acrylic Skylights and Exterior Paint - viewtopic.php?p=1080265#p1080265
06/03/2014 - Lower Galley Bulkhead Doors - viewtopic.php?p=1081345#p1081345
06/04/2014 - Side Lights and Skylight Curtains - viewtopic.php?p=1081494#p1081494
06/05/2014 - MAIDEN VOYAGE!! - viewtopic.php?p=1082077#p1082077
06/30/2014 - Repair Galley Hatch - viewtopic.php?p=1084782#p1084782
03/03/2016 - UPDATE!!! Finished galley, rear receiver, headboard, fenders, replaced galley hatch - viewtopic.php?p=1163106#p1163106
03/07/2016 - Patch front corner - viewtopic.php?p=1163565#p1163565
09/27/2016 - Installed Air Conditioning - viewtopic.php?p=1185192#p1185192
11/09/2016 - Finishing galley hatch with LED lighing - viewtopic.php?p=1190189#p1190189
11/20/2016 - Painted some parts/fenders with Herculiner - viewtopic.php?p=1190190#p1190190
02/28/2017 - Remodeled headboard/electrical compartment- http://tnttt.com/viewtopic.php?p=1197911#p1197911
05/08/2017 - Fresh new paint design! - http://tnttt.com/viewtopic.php?p=1204092#p1204092
07/06/2017 - Air Conditioner exhaust vents - viewtopic.php?p=1209204#p1209204
07/17/2017 - Air Conditioner installation - http://tnttt.com/viewtopic.php?p=1210179#p1210179
03/03/2019 - Made the cover story for CoolTears Magazine! - viewtopic.php?p=1244837#p1244837

Thanks for looking! :beer:
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Re: "The X-Cubed" C.T.T.

Postby KCStudly » Thu Jan 16, 2014 3:45 pm

Lots of good ideas in a very unique design. :thumbsup: I like it.

The trolley top on an angular profile is novel; a first as far as I am aware. Cool.

A question: It looks like the struts for the roof hatch will have to be outside of the screen (I'm assuming the screen will be fixed in place). Will the hatch be able to be closed from the inside, or will you have to go out to close and latch it?

Good luck selling the X2. Have you had any feedback from interested parties on why they haven't snatched it up?
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Re: "The X-Cubed" C.T.T.

Postby absolutsnwbrdr » Thu Jan 16, 2014 10:15 pm

Thanks KC! Getting all the angles to come together will be tough, but I feel that if I can do it on the computer, I can do it in real life.

Yeah the screen will be fixed in place, and there are 2 narrow sections that the struts will nest in while closed. Haven't got the lowering mechanism worked out yet, but plenty of time for that!

I've had a couple people come check it out. The one gentleman really enjoyed coming to look at it, but decided a cargo trailer conversion was going to suit his and his wife's needs a bit better. I've got a bunch of phone calls, but nobody's sounding too serious at the moment. So we'll see. Its a pretty unique trailer that just needs to find the right owner.

Two of my friends have been joking about buying it, but I'm not holding my breath. :lol:
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Re: "The X-Cubed" C.T.T.

Postby KCStudly » Thu Jan 16, 2014 11:05 pm

On the hatch, my thought was a pair of cords (perhaps 550 para-cord) anchored to the high corners and fed thru small holes in the hard surround to pull the hatch down. Perhaps cleats (marine style) inside to wrap the cord around and hold the hatch closed, at least until the "hard" draw latches (or other outside hardware) can be fixed once "arisen from bed".

Yes, if we can imagine it, and define it in electrons, we can build it! :thumbsup: The challenge is the journey.

You sir, prove to be quite adept at CAD and rendering/presentation. I wish my work would allow me to develop more of the latter skills, but alas, my designs are more of the "shop" variety; my employer is my customer, so no frills.

Impressive skills. :thumbsup: :applause: :thumbsup:

Curious, how did you get the image to articulate?
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Re: "The X-Cubed" C.T.T.

Postby absolutsnwbrdr » Fri Jan 17, 2014 9:01 am

The cord was pretty much what I was thinking to start with. I'm going to keep an eye out for hardware that may come in useful in some way. I often get lost on McMaster Carr's website for hours. :lol:

It has crossed my mind to install a small motor and a cable/pulley system to draw the top down. But that will definitely take some engineering - and electronics.

I've been using CAD for about 12 years, the past 8 of which have been in the professional realm. When I graduated college I worked for a precast concrete engineering firm as a drafter and CAD manager.... no real creativity there. I've been working for an architect for the past three years, and part of my job is doing sales and marketing renderings using Revit. For my teardrops, I design them in 3D in AutoCAD first, and then import them into Revit to render. The articulating teardrop is actually 4 screenshots of the actual AutoCAD model (everything closed, hatch open, roof open, both open) which I then use Adobe Photoshop to turn into an animated GIF.
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Re: "The X-Cubed" C.T.T.

Postby mezmo » Sat Jan 18, 2014 3:11 am

Hi Zach,

I like your new design. It reminds me a lot of this Aussie Toyhauler Caravan:


They have done a great job with their angular or 'faceted' design. I especially like
how they have handled the wheel arches and exterior access storage in their design.
My favorite is the one model with the solid wall upper bedroom pop-up area. Their
models range in size from 15ft to 23ft in length [body lengths]. Maybe the smaller ones
could be of help as you finalize your design.

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Re: "The X-Cubed" C.T.T.

Postby Kharn » Sun Jan 19, 2014 12:42 am

I definitely agree with the paracord to close the roof from within. You never know when the Tearjerkers are going to get up before noon and start causing a ruckus. :R

There are less than two months to go to St Paddy's, we both have to get a move on. :beer:
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Re: "The X-Cubed" C.T.T.

Postby Martiangod » Sun Jan 19, 2014 12:08 pm

Cool plan as a step up from your previous tears.
That thing is just screaming for linear actuators on remote controls.
Now if your lift up had retractable side walls would make for an almost standy, make your gally a slide out, on linears again, to add 12" to 24" to interior.
You would be the hit at the disco with your already proven lighting effects.
Might as well put in a disco light up floor :twisted: or at least do your galley counter in lexan and light it up like a disco floor.

Bravo on a cool design :applause:
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Re: "The X-Cubed" C.T.T.

Postby absolutsnwbrdr » Mon Jan 20, 2014 9:20 am

Norm - those are some feature-packed travel trailers! I like the pop-up/standy feature, but that might be overkill, even for me. Maybe on my next build?
Crap. This one hasn't even began and the list has already started for the next one. Thanks! :? :lol:

Kharn wrote:I definitely agree with the paracord to close the roof from within. You never know when the Tearjerkers are going to get up before noon and start causing a ruckus. :R

There are less than two months to go to St Paddy's, we both have to get a move on. :beer:

We had a little gathering at Len's this past weekend and I took the X-II. Well guess who got woken up at 8am with the trailer shaking violently?! This guy. Now I've added stabilizers to the list for this build. Along with an electric fence, security cameras, poison dart turrets, perimeter mines, and of course sharks with lasers.

Martiangod wrote:Cool plan as a step up from your previous tears.
That thing is just screaming for linear actuators on remote controls.
Now if your lift up had retractable side walls would make for an almost standy, make your gally a slide out, on linears again, to add 12" to 24" to interior.
You would be the hit at the disco with your already proven lighting effects.
Might as well put in a disco light up floor :twisted: or at least do your galley counter in lexan and light it up like a disco floor.

Bravo on a cool design :applause:

Thanks! Linear actuators would be sweet! But also $$$$$!! I'm going to keep this one fairly compact, even though it will be a little bigger than the X-II. One of the constraints was the height - wanted to still be able to store it in a standard garage, but I want the inside to be as large and open as possible. And the problem with the galley slide-out is that I like to have everything in its place in case a freak thunderstorm springs up. I like the removable galley's but I also like to be mobile relatively quickly.
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Re: "The X-Cubed" C.T.T.

Postby absolutsnwbrdr » Thu Feb 06, 2014 2:29 pm

Still in the planning stage! Well, kind of. Think I have everything worked out..... :twisted:


Should be ordering the trailer kit and axle in the next week or so! :D
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Re: "The X-Cubed" C.T.T.

Postby be_a_jayhawk » Thu Feb 06, 2014 4:19 pm

Oh it's that simple! Lol
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Re: "The X-Cubed" C.T.T.

Postby Kharn » Thu Feb 06, 2014 5:16 pm

Is the under-bed compartment your battery storage?
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Re: "The X-Cubed" C.T.T.

Postby absolutsnwbrdr » Thu Feb 06, 2014 5:32 pm

be_a_jayhawk wrote:Oh it's that simple! Lol

Precisely! :?

Kharn wrote:Is the under-bed compartment your battery storage?

Yeah, its just a small access panel to get to the 2 battery cages. I'm keeping the battery cages just in front of the axle so I don't have to worry about too much tongue weight.
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Re: "The X-Cubed" C.T.T.

Postby KCStudly » Thu Feb 06, 2014 9:33 pm

Now it is a simple matter of detailing all of those parts with dimensions; touching every one however many times it takes to fabricate them; and "a little" assembly time.

Bob's your uncle! :thumbsup:

Nice exploded view. :thumbsup:

I am certainly looking forward to seeing this come together. :applause:
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Re: "The X-Cubed" C.T.T.

Postby absolutsnwbrdr » Mon Feb 10, 2014 2:21 pm

BOB IS MY UNCLE!! :lol: :lol:

Thanks KC! Already have all the "parts" for the sidewalls dimensions and accounted for. Now onto the rest!
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